专利名称:Operation management device发明人:島村 和典申请号:JP2019543706申请日:20180920
摘要:The operation management apparatus manages the operation of a plurality ofmoving bodies including a first mobile body and a second moving body capable of beingautonomous running.Each mobile body has a memory for storing the same map data, asensor for sensing sensor space to output the sensor data, a positioning device forcollating the sensor data with map data, outputting pause data indicating the positionand posture, and a communication circuit.The operation management apparatuscomprises a communication interface apparatus, an arithmetic circuit and a storage
device.The arithmetic circuit receives the pause data which each of the first and secondmoving objects sensed and sensed in the same posture in the same position in the spacevia the communication interface device, and the difference between the pause datareceived from the first moving body and the pause data received from the second mobilebody Individual difference data are stored in the storage device.
代理人:奥田 誠司,岡部 英隆,川喜田 徹,村瀬 成康