New York is in the middle of a culture fest celebrating Berlin, a 17-day marathon of music, film, architecture, literature and photography that began on November 2nd. “Berlin In Lights” is largely the brainchild of Sir Clive Gillinson, a former managing director of the London Symphony Orchestra who became executive and artistic director of Carnegie Hall in July 2005. Determined to make the New York concert hall more international, he is initiating a series of cultural festivals celebrating cities, nations or artistic movements. Berlin is the first of these.
A visit by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, under its principal conductor Sir Simon Rattle had been planned for some time. Much taken by the extraordinary transformation of Berlin since reunification—the city thrives through culture and politics; there is hardly any business or finance—Sir Clive decided to expand that visit into a full-blown festival. He got an enthusiastic response from other New York institutions.
Berlin and New York have sizeable mutual admiration societies but, until recently, post-war Berlin could only dream of being in the same league of creative effervescence as New York. Now, in partnership with
the American Academy in Berlin, Carnegie Hall has put together a crowd of seminars—on literature, the visual arts, film-making—inviting stars such as Volker Schlöndorff and Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, both Oscar-winning German directors. The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing photographs, the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Centre is screening the 13 episodes and epilogue of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's television epic “Berlin Alexanderplatz” in 14 separate rooms. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, extending its visit to eight days, will be performing Gustav Mahler's last three major works as well as music by Thomas Adès, Magnus Lindberg and György Kurtag, three contemporary composers. In addition, various chamber ensembles made up of Philharmonic musicians are playing both at Carnegie and at “neighbourhood concerts” in the city's five boroughs. The most innovative of the Philharmonic's offerings will be the performances on November 17th and 18th at the United Palace Theatre in Washington Heights of Igor Stravinsky's “The Rite of Spring”, danced by kids from state schools who have been trained for just eight weeks. To those who think that the result will be shambolic, the organisers retort that the experiment worked well with children—including refugees—from state schools in Berlin.
“Berlin In Lights” is not comprehensive: there is no theatre and little dance. A festival that gets too big loses its charm, says Sir Clive: “We would like to capture people's imagination and incite them to explore new horizons.”
The audience at some of the shows—a performance by Max Raabe and the Palast Orchestra of songs from the 1920s and 1930s, Ute Lemper, a German chanteuse specialising in Kurt Weill, in cabaret—were made up largely from what one participant described as the geriatric intelligentsia from the Upper West Side. As many of them have German- or Austrian-Jewish origins, they have a loving, knowledgeable relationship with German culture. One critic hissed that Ms Lemper was a poor copy of Lotte Lenya, Weill's wife, whom she had seen perform in the 1940s. Sir Clive hopes that concerts by the Nomad SoundSystem, a Berlin band performing western dance music and North African melodies, and concerts by Berlin's Turkish and Kurdish communities may bring in a younger crowd.
1. What does the word “marathon”
(Line 1, Paragraph 1) mean in the text?
[C] A culture fest [A] A festival
[B] A sport competition
[D] A large event
2. The first sentence of the third
paragraph implies that_____ [A] Berlin is lagging behind New
York in artistic invention. [B] Berlin and New York have a
long history of artistic exchange in the societal level. [C] Berlin is the German
equivalence of New York in terms of creative vigour. [D] Both Berlin and New York
boast of people with high admiration of art.
3. The Goethe-Institut is probably
situated in_____ [A] New York. [B] Berlin.
[C] Carnegie University. [D] Germany.
4. The festival is carried out in
order to_____
[A] enhance cultural exchange
between the two cities. [B] propagate new Berlin of culture
and politics in the form of art. [C] goes along with the 8 day visit
of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
[D] internationalize New York
music world.
5. From Sir Clive’s statements, it
can be infered that he holds the view that a festival ______ [A] should be comprehensive. [B] should be innovative.
[C] should be full-blown. 文章剖析:
[D] should be limited in scale.
这篇文章讲述了纽约举行的“光之柏林”柏林文化节的情况。第一、二段讲述柏林文化节是如何发展起来的;第三段讲述文化节期间的一些活动;第四段讲述柏林爱乐乐团的活动;第五段讲述该文化节不够全面的地方及其原因;第六段讲述了观众的一些情况。 词汇注释:
effervescence n. 活力 shambolic adj. 混乱的 chanteuse n. 女歌手 cabaret n. 酒店,酒店的歌舞表演 geriatric adj. 老年的 Inteligentsia n.
(1) A visit by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, under its principal conductor Sir Simon Rattle had been planned for some time. [主体句式] A visit had been planned …
visit后面的介词短语是它的定语,而under…介词短语是Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra的定语。
[句子译文] 策划由指挥家SimonRattle指挥的柏林爱乐乐团的访问演出已经有一段时间了。
(2) The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing photographs, the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Centre is screening the 13 episodes and epilogue of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's television epic “Berlin Alexanderplatz” in 14 separate rooms.
[主体句式] The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing…, the Museum of Modern Art is screening films and the P.S.1 Contermporary Art Centre is screening…
[结构分析] 这是一个并列句,由三个并列分句组成。最后一个分句比较复杂,in 14 separate rooms 是状语,其宾语是两个并列的名词。
[句子译文] 歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出了照片,现代博物馆在播放关于柏林的电影,P.S.1现代艺术中心在十四个房间里播放了Rainer Werner Fassbinder电视史诗“Berlin Alexanderplatz”中的13个集及其大结局。
1. What does the word “marathon” (Line 1, Paragraph 1) mean in the text? [A] A festival [B] A sport competition [C] A cultural fest [D] A long event [答案]D
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[分析]猜词题。marathon这个词语的中文为“马拉松”,这个词的原意是一项长跑运动,但在文中使用的是其比喻义,而不是原意。因此考生千万不要看到B选项就选择,实际上这正是迷惑选项。这个词在原文中的句子为“New York is in the middle of a culture fest celebrating Berlin, a 17-day marathon of music, film, architecture, literature and photography that began on November 2nd. “Berlin In Lights” is largely the brainchild of Sir Clive Gillinson, a former managing director of the London Symphony Orchestra who became executive and artistic director of Carnegie Hall in July 2005”,分析marathon这个词的前后文,可以发现这个活动持续了17天,是一个历时很长的活动,因此正确答案
[A] 一个节日 [B] 一项体育比赛 [C] 一个文化节 [D] 一项历时较长的活动 1. “marathon” 这个词在文中是什么意思? 为D选项。A和C选项也比较有迷惑性,因为这篇文章一直在谈论这个文化节。中文我们经常用到“马拉松式的”等表述来表明一个活动持续时间非常长,在这里也是相同的用法。 2. The first sentence of the third paragraph implies that_____ [A] Berlin is lagging behind New York in artistic invention. [B] Berlin and New York have a long history of artistic exchange in the societal level. [C] Berlin is German equivalence of New York in terms of creative vigour. [D] Both Berlin and New York boast of people with high admiration of art. [答案]A
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[D]柏林和纽约的民众对于艺术都有着很高的欣赏能力。 [C]在艺术活力方面,柏林可以说是德国的纽约。 [B]柏林和纽约在社会层面上的艺术交流方面有很长的历史渊源。 [A] 在艺术创造方面柏林远远不及纽约。 2. 第三段的第一句话暗示着_____ 可能战前柏林和纽约不相上下,但是目前柏林却与纽约差距很大,因此,选项中A选项符合题意。其余几个选项都不能很好地表达这个意思。 3. The Goethe-Institut is probably situated in_____ [A] New York. [B] Berlin. [C] Carnegie University. [D] Germany. [答案]A [难度系数] ☆☆
[分析]推理题。文章第三段提到了歌德学院,歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出图片,而现代艺术博物馆展出了关于柏林的电影,P.S.1现代艺术中心在十四个房间里播放了Rainer Werner Fassbinder电视史诗“Berlin
4. The festival is carried out in order 4. 举办这次艺术节的目的是为了_____ to_____ [A] enhance cultural exchange between the two cities. [A] 增进两个城市的交流。 [A] 纽约。 [B] 柏林。 [C] 卡内基大学。 [D] 德国。 3. 歌德学院可能位于_____ [B] propagate new Berlin of culture and politics in the form of art. [C] go along with the 8 day visit of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. [B] 以艺术的形式来宣传文化和政治的柏林。 [C] 配合宣传柏林爱乐乐团持续8天的访问。 [D] internationalize New York music [D] 使纽约的音乐世界更为国际化。 world. [答案]D
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆
[分析]细节题。在文章的第一段就提到了举办这次艺术节的目的“Determined to make the New York concert hall more international, he is initiating a series of cultural festivals celebrating cities, nations or artistic movements. Berlin is the first of these”,因此
Clive爵士希望举办一些列的这种艺术节活动可以使得纽约的音乐会大厅更为国际化。因此,此次艺术节的目的是纽约的音乐世界更为国际化,而柏林文化节只是这个活动的内容之一。答案为D选项。 5. From Sir Clive’s statements, it 5.从Clive爵士的话中可以推断出他认为can be infered that he holds the view 这次艺术节_____ that a festival ______ [A] should be comprehensive. [B] should be innovative. [A] 应该是全面的。 [B] 应该是创新的。 [C] should be full-blown. [D] should be limited in scale. [答案]D
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆ [分析]
[C] 应该是全面的。 [D] 应该在规模上有所控制。 推理题。Clive爵士所说的话为:一个节日如果场面过于宏大,就会失去其魅力,Clive说,“我们希望可以抓住人们的想象,激发他们去探索新的空间。”从上下文可以看出,这主要是关于场面宏大问题的,Clive认为应该场面应该有所限制,应该注重一些小的方面。因此,他说这句话是希望场面应该不要那么宏大。因此正确答案为D。 参考译文:
柏林和纽约都有规模较大的艺术欣赏团体,但是战后的柏林只能幻想拥有和纽约一样充满创造的活力。目前,卡内基大厅和柏林的美国协会一起组织了一些有关文学、视觉艺术和电影制作的研讨会,邀请了著名人物如Volker Schlöndorff 和 Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck参会,这两位都是获得奥斯卡奖的德国导演。歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出了照片,现代博物馆在播放关于柏林的电影,P.S.1现代艺术中心在十四个房间里播放了Rainer Werner Fassbinder电视史诗“Berlin Alexanderplatz”中的13个集及其大结局。
柏林爱乐乐团将自己的访问演出扩展到了8天,将会演奏GustavMahler的最后三个主要作品,也会演奏三位现代作曲家ThomasAdès、MagnusLindberg和GyörgyKurtag的作品。此外,由爱乐乐团音乐家组成的室内合奏团会在卡内基和该城市五个街区的“社区音乐会”进行表演。爱乐乐团最富有创意的表演是11月17日和18日在Washington Heights的联合宫殿剧院表演的由IgorStravinsky创作的“春的典礼”,伴舞的是来自州立学校的孩子们,他们只训练了8个星期。有些人认为这样会太混乱,而组织者回应说这次尝试中,柏林州立学校的孩子们(包括难民)配合得很好,
“柏林之光”并不包含所有形式的艺术——没有戏剧表演,也没有小型舞蹈。一个节日如果场面过于宏大,就会失去其魅力,Clive说,“我们希望可以抓住人们的想象,激发他们去探索新的空间。” 一些演出(如Max Raabe的表演、Palast管弦乐队演奏的20世纪20年代和30年代的歌曲,专研Kurt Weill 的德国女歌手UteLemper的歌舞表演)的观众主要由一些来自于纽约上西面的老年知识分子组成。他们中许多人都有德国或奥地利犹太血统,因此非常喜爱和深谙德国文化。一位评论家在20世纪40年代就看过Lemper的演出,他认为Lemper女士是对Weill 妻子LotteLenya的拙劣模仿。Clive希望演奏西方舞曲和北美音乐的柏林乐队“流浪声系”,以及柏林的土耳其和库尔德团体举办的音乐会可以吸引年轻的观众。
Publishers cannot have enough of books from serious historians about the “whys” of war. Why do they start? Why do they last? What makes a peace fragile? The past is one place to look for answers. Charles Esdaile, a lecturer at the University of Liverpool, is too good a scholar to make easy comparisons between then and now. But the “whys” of war run through his masterly account of the Napoleonic wars, a 12-year conflict between France and Europe's other powers that killed almost 2m soldiers. Mr Esdaile, in a politico-military survey of extraordinary scope and detail, tells us what he believes caused the conflict, what it was about and why it lasted so long despite, as it seemed, frequent chances for peace. Neither battlefield chronicle nor biography in disguise, “Napoleon's Wars” is explanatory history of high order.
Historians date the Napoleonic wars from 1803, when Britain declared war on France after the brief Peace of Amiens. Mr Esdaile recounts how Napoleon came to power in 1799, mastering France and then Europe. Britain commanded the seas after Trafalgar in 1805. But France held the continent thanks to victories on land against the Austrians, Prussians and Russians. Setbacks in Spain, which Napoleon's troops entered in 1807, and disaster in Russia in 1812, led to eventual defeat at Waterloo.
Mr Esdaile makes that familiar story fresh in three connected ways. He shows how marginal-looking conflicts—for example over the Romanian lands, Sweden, Portugal, Canada—ignited larger ones or divided potential allies. He reminds us that defeating Napoleon was never sure. Europe's armies had first to learn from their own failures and their rulers had to make common cause. Both things happened, but late in the day. Above all, he stresses that the conflict was not ideological but geopolitical. It was about the balance of power, disturbed for a century by Ottoman decline, Russian and Prussian growth and Franco-British rivalries.
Few if any of France's foes were fighting for regime change in Paris. At many times they would have settled with Napoleon—had he settled with them. But they could never trust him to settle, and the wars went on. His two strongest opponents, Britain and Russia, resisted him, in Mr Esdaile's view, not because he was a revolutionary, a republican or the head of an upstart dynasty. They fought him because as long as he controlled France, there was no telling where France would stop.
At this point Napoleon's character enters Mr Esdaile's intricate geopolitical equations. Without accepting a great-man theory of history, he thinks the Napoleonic wars deserve their name. Europe's powers would have fought over their differences without Napoleon. But the scale and ferocity of conflict was due in large part to the emperor's “aggression, egomania and lust for power”.
Mr Esdaile's book reflects a vast and varied range of recent scholarship. But he never leaves his geopolitical story for long. War started, he believes, because Europe was not in balance. It dragged on because Napoleon could not be trusted. Peace came—and lasted until later generations forgot the horror of the alternative.
1. Mr. Esdaile’s book can be best described as_____ [A] a politico-military survery of the Napoleonic wars.
[B] an account of the Napoleonic wars in extrodinary scope and detail.
[C] a historical chronicle of the Napoleonic wars with comparisons of the past and the present.
[D] an exploration of the
deep-rooted reason that led to the long war.
2. Mr Esdaile holds the view that
the Napoleonic wars are originated by _____ [A] marginal conflicts.
[B] imbalance of power in Europe.
[C] Napoleon’s aggressive
[D] Franco-British rivalries. 3. Mr. Esdaile’s novelty in
recounting the conflict in _____
[A] that he dates from 1799 when
Napoleon came to power in France.
[B] that he explains Napoleon’s
character and history in detailed and vivid account. [C] that he reminds us the
importance of some marginal-looking conflicts. [D] that he thinks the war was
indeed started due to geopolitical factors.
4. France’s rivals fought against
Napoleon despite chances for peace because_____ [A] the political imbalance of
Europe stimulated inevitable hatred and conflict between the countries and Napoleon. [B] they were alert to the possible
aggression by Napoleon. [C] they attempted to settle with
Napoleon but in vain. [D] Napoleon was too ambitious to
be trusted by them. 5. According to the passage, which
one of the following statements is NOT true of the Napoleonic wars? 文章剖析:
[A] The wars would not have been
fought without Napoleon. [B] The wars were due to the
emperor’s aggression, egomania and lust for power. [C] The wars lasted for so long
time because France’s rivals could not trust Napoleon. [D] The wars were fought over the
difference of the Europe’s powers.
这篇文章介绍了Esdaile先生的《拿破仑战争》一书。文章第一段讲述了该书解释性的特征;第二段讲述书中战争的梗概;第三段讲述其研究的创新之处;第四段讲述战争延续了很久的原因所在;第五段讲述拿破仑性格对于这次战争的影响;第六段总结了该书的特色。 词汇注释: ferocity n. 残酷 难句突破:
(1) Mr Esdaile, in a politico-military survey of extraordinary scope and detail, tells us what he believes caused the conflict, what it was about and why it lasted so long despite, as it seemed, frequent chances for peace.
[主体句式] Mr Esdaile tells us what…, what… and why…
[结构分析] 这是一个复合句,有一个比较复杂的宾语从句。该宾语从句由三个疑问句组成,分别以what和why引导;介词短语in…是句子的状语。
[句子译文] Esdaile先生在他一次广泛、细致的政治军事调查中告诉我们他对这次战争起因的看法,这次战争的目的并解释为什么虽然看起来有好多次都有可能恢复和平,但战争还是持续了很长时间的原因。
egomania n. 自大狂
(2) His two strongest opponents, Britain and Russia, resisted him, in Mr Esdaile's view, not because he was a revolutionary, a republican or the head of an upstart dynasty.
[主体句式]His two opponents resisted him not because…
[结构分析] 这是一个复合句。Britain and Russia是前面主语的同位语,in组成的介词短语是状语,后面not because…是句子的原因状语。 [句子译文] 在Esdaile看来,拿破仑的两个劲敌——英国和俄国与之
抵抗并不是因为他是革命者、是共和党人或是一个崛起的王朝的领袖。 题目分析:
1. Mr. Esdaile’s book can be best described as_____ [A] a politico-military survery of the Napoleonic wars. 1. Esdaile先生的书可以看作是_____ [A] 拿破仑战争的政治军事纵览。 [B] an account of the Napoleonic wars [B] 对拿破仑战争详细、宽泛in extrodinary scope and detail. [C] a historical chronicle of the 的描述。 [C] 一部比较了拿破仑战争过Napoleonic wars with comparisons of 去与现状的历史编年史。 the past and the present. [D] an exploration of the deep-rooted [D] 拿破仑战争“最深层原因”reason that led to the long war. [答案]D
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
的探究。 [分析] 推理题。这篇文章主要分析了Esdaile先生的《拿破仑战争》一书,第一段中就提到,这本书和以往的相关书不同,“为什么”贯穿全书,主要就是分析了拿破仑战争的起因,战争持续时间很长的原因,以及战争的目的。该书是解释性的历史。因此,选项中D最为符合题意。
2. Mr Esdaile holds the view that 2. Esdaile先生认为拿破仑战争是the Napoleonic wars are originated 由_____引起的。 by _____ [A] marginal conflicts. [A] 一些边缘的纷争 [B] imbalance of power in Europe. [B] 欧洲权利的不均衡 [C] Napoleon’s aggressive ambition. [D] Franco-British rivalries. [答案] B [难度系数] ☆☆
[D] 法英冲突 [C] 拿破仑侵略的欲 [分析] 细节题。文章第三段提到,拿破仑战争不是因为意识形态原因而是因为地理政治原因,是因为势力不均衡。最后一段也提到,发生战争是因为欧洲势力不均衡。因此,拿破仑战争是因势力不均衡而起的。选项B为正确答案。
3. Mr. Esdaile’s novelty in recounting 3. Esdaile 先生描述拿破仑战争the conflict in _____ [A] that he dates from 1799 when Napoleon came to power in France. [B] that he explains Napoleon’s character and history in detailed and vivid account. [C] that he reminds us the importance [C] 他提醒了我们一些看上去of some marginal-looking conflicts. 较为微小冲突的重要性。 的创新之处在于_____ [A] 他将该历史追溯至1799年拿破仑在法国上台之时。 [B] 他用丰富翔实且生动的材料描述了拿破仑的性格和历史。 [D] that he thinks the war conflict was [D] 他认为该战争是由于地理indeed started due to geopolitical factors. [答案] D
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[分析] 细节题。文章第三段指出,Esdaile先生让旧故事出新意的地方有三处,第一处是提到看起来不很重要的冲突如何演变为大的战争,
政治的因素引起的。 第二处是拿破仑并不一定被击败了;第三处,也是首当其冲的是这场战争并不是意识形态的,而是起源于地理政治的。这三个创新点在选项中只有D提到了其中之一,因此是正确答案。 4. France’s rivals fought against Napoleon despite chances for peace because_____ [A] the political imbalance of Europe stimulated inevitable hatred and conflict between the countries and Napoleon. [B] they were alert to the possible aggression by Napoleon. [C] they attempted to settle with Napoleon but in vain. [D] Napoleon was too ambitious to be trusted by them. [答案]B
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆
[B] 他们害怕拿破仑可能会发动侵略。 [C] 他们向与拿破仑讲和却没有成功。 [D] 拿破仑过于野心勃勃,因此敌人们并不信任他。 4. 尽管有多次讲和的机会, 法国的敌人还是和拿破仑对抗这是因为_____ [A] 欧洲的政治失衡必然导致了拿破仑和这些国家之间的仇恨和冲突。 直继续,原因就是因为只要法国在拿破仑的控制中,那么别国就不知道法国什么时候才会停止侵略,这些国家自身随时都有可能遭到法国侵略的危险。因此,它们一直战争的原因还是害怕潜在的这种危险。因此,选项B最符合题意。
5. According to the passage, which one 5. 根据本文, 关于拿破仑战争of the following statements is NOT true of the Napoleonic wars? [A] The wars would have been fought even without Napoleon. [B] The wars were due to the emperor’s aggression, egomania and lust for power. [C] The wars lasted for so long time [A] 如果没有拿破仑,这场战争也会发生。 [B] 这场战争是因为拿破仑的野心、自大和对权力的贪欲才引起的。 [C] 战争持续了这么长时间是下列哪个陈述是错误的? because France’s rivals could not trust 因为法国的敌人不信任拿破Napoleon. [D] The wars were fought over the difference of the Europe’s powers. [答案]B
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
仑。 [D] 战争是因为欧洲各势力国家的不同而起的。 [分析] 细节题。选项A,在文章第五段提到,即使拿破仑不存在,欧
洲的强国也会进行战争,只是因为他的存在战争更为残酷,规模更大。选项B,文章第六段提到,战争是因为欧洲势力不均衡才引起的。选项C,文章第六段提到了这一点。选项D,各国家的不同也就是欧洲势力不均衡。因此,只有选项B是错误的说法。 参考译文:
关于战争的“为什么”,出版商们能从严肃的历史学家那里获得的书远远不够。为什么会发生战争?为什么战争一直延续?是什么使得和平不堪一击?历史只是寻找答案的一个途径。Charles Esdaile是利物浦大学的一名讲师,他是一位优秀的学者,因此并没有简单地对比现在和过去。但是,在他关于拿破仑战争的精妙叙述中,战争的“为什么”却一直贯穿始终。拿破仑战争是法国和欧洲其他国家进行的为期12年的一场战争,有200万名士兵为此捐躯。Esdaile先生在他一次广泛、细致的政治军事调查中告诉我们他对这次战争起因的看法,这次战争的目的并解释为什么虽然看起来有好多次都有可能恢复和平,但战争还是持续了很长时间的原因。“拿破仑战争”既不是战争编年史,又不是传记,它是对非凡历史的解释。
在这一点上, 拿破仑的个性被列入Esdaile复杂的地理政治方程式中。Esdaile没有接受历史英雄理论,但他认为拿破仑战争理应享受如此盛名。即使没有拿破仑,欧洲强国也会因为彼此不同而发动战
It is, by general consent, the most important securities-litigation clash for a generation. A case now before the Supreme Court, Stoneridge v Scientific-Atlanta, is shaping up to be a key test of attitudes towards shareholder class actions. A decision in favour of aggrieved investors would greatly increase the number of companies on which trial lawyers could train their sights. A ruling the other way would be a crushing defeat for the plaintiff's bar. Adding to the suspense, the government bodies with an interest in the case cannot agree on a common position.
The case involves a cable company, Charter Communications, which used a transaction with two suppliers of set-top boxes to inflate its revenues. Shareholders sued not only the company but the vendors too, claiming that they participated in the fraud, even though they may not have been aware of the misreporting. Led by the legendary Bill Lerach, plaintiff lawyers have lobbied ferociously for the principle of going after third parties, known as “scheme liability”.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is backing Mr Lerach's lot, thanks to a change of heart by its Republican chairman, Christopher Cox, traditionally no friend of the plaintiff's bar. Mr Cox urged the Department of Justice to fall in behind it, but this week it declined to do so. It has a month to decide whether to support the defendants or offer no opinion.
The Treasury is at odds with the SEC, too, fearing that a ruling in favour of investors would further damage American competitiveness. Many foreign firms that choose to list their shares elsewhere point to America's “litigation lottery” as the principal reason. Although filings of securities class actions have been falling since 2005, the overall value of settlements has continued to rise.
Bankers and accountants are watching just as closely as cable-box makers. In a similar case, Mr Lerach's firm sued Enron's financial advisers on behalf of shareholders, claiming that they facilitated the book-keeping shenanigans at the now-defunct energy trader. He lost—though not before collecting billions from banks that
settled early. He has lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court and wants the case joined with Stoneridge. Business is encouraged by its track record: a steady pruning of plaintiffs' rights since the 1970s. A number of its justices are thought to sympathise with the view that scheme liability is best left to the SEC, which has the power to pursue aiders and abettors under its Rule 10b-5.
Some lawyers in Washington even suggest that Mr Cox only sided with investors because he was convinced that they had almost no chance of support from the Supreme Court. But with numerous fine legal points at issue, the outcome is uncertain. An unfavourable ruling would send a chill through boardrooms, and not only in America.
If suppliers and advisers can be dragged into class actions, it would no longer even be necessary to issue shares in the United States to incur securities liability, points out Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank. Any firm, anywhere, doing business with American companies would have to live with the risk that the transaction could later be portrayed as fraudulent or deceptive. And painting such pictures is what trial lawyers do best. 1. What will probably happen if
the final decision is in favor of investors?
[A] More companies will decide to
move to other countries for business.
[B] The government bodies will
lose their popular trust. [C] More companies will be
involved in legal acitons. [D] American companies will be
lost most of its competitiveness. 2. Which one of the following
statements is NOT true of “scheme liability”? [A] The Department of Justice will
decide whether to implement this principle in this case in a month.
[B] The principle is raised by the
plainstiff’s bar to settle the case.
[C] The principle has damaged the
trust of foreign companies.
[D] The SEC was originally against
using this principle in this case.
3. The Treasury is against the
SEC’s proposal because_____ [A] The attitude of the Department
of Justice is unclear. [B] It is afraid that this proposal
may arouse securities class actions.
[C] It holds the view that the
scheme liability is unreasonable.
[D] It thinks this propasal will
further discourage foreign firms from listing shares in America.
4. Mr. Cox changed his mind
finally because_____
[A] He is bribed by the investors to
work in favor of them. [B] He sympathezes with the
[C] He disagrees with the supreme
court’s principles and attitudes
[D] He dedicated himself to the
defense of American investors’ right. 5. Towards the actions of
plainstiff’s lawyers, the 文章剖析:
author’s attitude can be said to be_____ [A] negative. [B] positive. [C] indifferent. [D] biased.
词汇注释: shape up v. 发展
plainstaff n. 原告 fall in v. 同意 filing n. 档案
bar n. 律师团 lottery n. 抓阄法
shenanigan n. 诡计,恶作剧 aggrieved adj. 权利受到不法侵害
defunct adj. 死了的,不存在的 pruning n. 修剪 abettor n. 教唆犯
(1) Shareholders sued not only the company but the vendors too, claiming
that they participated in the fraud, even though they may not have been aware of the misreporting.
[主体句式]Shareholders sued not only the company but the vendors too.
句,cliaming…现在分词结构作句子的伴随状语,后面even thought…作伴随状语中宾语从句的条件状语。 [句子译文]
(2) If suppliers and advisers can be dragged into class actions, it would no
longer even be necessary to issue shares in the United States to incur securities liability, points out Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank. [主体句式]…points out Peter…
[结构分析]这是一个复合句。主语置后,a think-tank是前面the American
[句子译文] 美国智囊机构美国企业协会的Peter
Wallison指出,如果供应商和顾问也被拽入共同起诉中,那就不再需要在美国发行股票来得到安全债务。 题目分析:
1. What will probably happen if the final decision is in favor of investors? [A] More companies will decide to move to other countries for business. [B] The government bodies will lose their popular trust. [B] 政府团体会失去公众的信任。 [A] 大多数公司会搬到其他国家。 1. 如果最后的裁决有利于投资者, 以下哪种情况会发生? [C] More companies will be involved [C] 会有更多的公司被卷入诉in legal acitons. [D] American companies will lose most of its competitiveness. [答案]C
[难度系数] ☆☆☆ [分析]
讼。 [D] 美国公司会丧失其大部分的竞争力。 2. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of “scheme liability”? [A] The Department of Justice will decide whether to implement this principle in this case in a month. [B] The principle is raised by the plainstiff’s bar to settle the case. [C] The principle has damaged the trust of foreign companies. [D] The SEC was originally against using this principle in this case. [答案]A [难度系数] ☆☆ [分析] 推理题。选项A,
2.关于“方案责任”,下列那一项陈述是错误的? [A]司法部将在一个月内决定是否实施该原则。 [B]该原则是由原告律师团提出以解决该案件的。 [C]该原则已经损害了外国公司的信任。 [D]安全与交流委员会最开始是反对将该原则用于该案件的。 第三段提到司法部已经拒绝实行这项原则,在一个月内决定是否支持被告。选项B,第一段提到是由原告律师团提出的。选项C,第四段提到,许多外国公司选择在其他国家上市,就是因为该原则,因此可以推断该原则损害了外国公司的信任。选项D,第三段提到,多亏了Christopher
3. The Treasury is against the SEC’s 4.财政部反对安全与交流委员会的提议proposal because_____ 是因为_____ [A] The attitude of the Department of [A] 司法部的态度不明朗。 Justice is unclear. [B] It is afraid that this proposal may [B]它害怕改提议会引起安全共同起诉。 arouse securities class actions. [C] It holds the view that the scheme [C] 它认为该原则是不合理的。 liability is unreasonable. [D] It thinks this propasal will further [D]它认为该原则会阻碍外国公司在美国discourage foreign firms from listing shares in America. [答案]D
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆
上市。 4. Mr. Cox changed his mind finally because_____ 4.Cox先生最终改变了主意是因为_____ [A] He is bribed by the investors to [A] 他接受了投资者们的贿赂以帮work in favor of them. [B] He sympathezes with the sharesholders. [C] He disagrees with the supreme [C] 他不同意最高法院的原则和态court’s principle and attitudes [D] He dedicated himself to the defense of the American investors’ rights. [答案]B
[难度系数] ☆☆☆ [分析]
细节题。文章第三段提到,Cox先生不是原告律师团任何人的朋友,而第五段提到了,华盛顿一些律师暗示Cox先生只站在投资者一边是因为感觉最高法院不可能支持他们。因此,可以看出他这样做是同情这些投资者。答案为 B选项。 5. Towards the actions of plainstiff’s lawyers, the author’s attitude can be said to 5.对于原告律师团的行为,作者的态度可以说是_____ 度。 [D] 他投身于对美国投资者权利的保护中。 助他们工作。 [B] 他同情那些股东。 be_____ [A] negative. [B] positive. [C] indifferent. [D] biased. [答案]A [难度系数] ☆
一段,作者提到任何公司要和美国公司做生意就必须面临有可能被认为是欺诈行为的危险,而律师向来是描黑的能手。可以看出,作者对律师还是持否定的态度的。因此,答案为A选项。 参考译文:
人们普遍认为,本案是这一时代最大的一起安全诉讼冲突。现在最高法院审理的一个案子——Stoneridge v ScientificAtlanta发展成为试探对股东共同起诉的重要个案。如果决议有利于那些权利受到不法侵害的投资者,那么就会有更多的公司找寻律师来起诉。不利于投资者的裁决对于原告律师团则是一个致命的打击。除了这个悬念之外,关心该案件的政府机构也不能达成一致意见。
该案件涉及到一个电报公司——Charter Communications,公司利用与两个置顶盒供应商的交易来扩大其收入。投资者不仅仅起诉了这
[A] 否定的。 [B] 肯定的。 [C] 中立的。 [D] 有偏见的。 家公司,而且也起诉了供应商,称他们参与了诈骗行为,虽然他们可能没有意识到那些误报。以富有传奇色彩的Bill Lerach为首的原告律师团强烈要求实行寻找第三方的原则,即“方案责任”。
安全与交流委员会赞成Lerach先生的抓阄建议,这主要是因为该委员会的共和国主席Christopher Cox改变了主意,此人与原告律师团没有任何联系。Cox先生要求司法部同意该提议,但是这周司法部却予以拒绝。司法部有一个月的时间来决定是支持被告还是不提供任何意见。
美国智囊机构美国企业协会的Peter Wallison指出,如果供应商和顾问也被拽入共同起诉中,那就不再需要在美国发行股票来得到安全债务。任何地方的任何公司,只要和美国公司做生意,就必须承担这些交易以后可能会被认为有欺诈性质的危险。而这向来是律师们的拿手好戏。
How fair are juries? A study published this week offers timely support for a system that used to be regarded as one of the bulwarks of an Englishman's civil liberties but has come under increasing attack of late. In England, unlike America, juries no longer decide most civil trials. And now the government is pushing a bill through Parliament to abolish them in complex fraud cases.
In America the selection of jurors acceptable to both the prosecution and the defence sometimes takes longer than the trial itself. The process can involve exhaustive interviews about prospective
jurors' beliefs and prejudices. But in Britain jurors are selected randomly from the 94 Crown Court catchment areas in England and Wales. Most accept the call, and there is little chance to challenge a juror unless he actually knows the defendant. This has not prevented assertions that English juries produce verdicts that are racially biased because they do not accurately reflect society's ethnic mix. A four-year study by a team at the University of Birmingham's law school, led by Cheryl Thomas, has shown those charges to be largely a myth. In over 95% of the 84 Crown Courts that were surveyed, ethnic minorities were not under-represented among either those summoned for jury service or those actually serving as jurors. Members of ethnic minorities and whites were equally willing to do jury service and to support the jury system.
The study punctured another myth too: that juries are largely made up of the retired and the unemployed. Women, young people and self-employed folk were all fully represented, the report's authors concluded. And far from shirking jury duty, fancy people in fancy jobs were found to be more conscientious than others, if anything. All in all, jury pools seem to reflect the local population quite closely in terms of race, gender, age and background.
Yet the perception of racial bias is not always unfounded. In London, where 45% of ethnic minorities live and a quarter of all jurors serve, juries are always racially mixed. But in 74 of the 94 court-catchment areas, ethnic minorities, though sometimes concentrated in pockets, make up less than 10% of the population overall. They therefore have little chance of being selected for jury duty.
Ms Thomas and her team chose to study racially mixed juries to see whether a defendant's race influenced deliberations. Contrary to widespread belief, no discrimination was found. In an elaborate case simulation at London's Blackfriars court, which involved more than 300 jurors on 27 juries, the verdicts were all remarkably similar, regardless of whether the defendant was black, Asian or white. This does not mean that a defendant's race did not influence individual jurors. Black and Asian jury members tended to show more leniency toward black defendants, whereas white jurors were usually softer on white defendants. But these individual biases did not affect the collective verdicts of the juries. Ten of 12 jurors must usually agree for a verdict to be reached, so individual biases cancelled each other out.
Lord Falconer, the newly styled justice secretary, hailed the report as a vindication of juries, which he believes are “utterly vital to
our justice system”. This has not, apparently, changed his and the government's determination to abolish juries for complex and lengthy fraud trials, however—despite the opposition of most lawyers, civil-liberties groups and the vast majority of the British public. 1.The government of Britian wants
to abolish juries in complex fraud cases probably because_____
[A] there is no significance of
jury’s existence since civil trials do not need it any more. [B] the system of juries has been
under increasing attack by all people of the society. [C] juries do not accurately reflect
society’s ethnic mix. [D] the selection of jurors makes
jury inefficient and intricate.
2. From he study by the team led by
Cheryl Thomas, we may make the following conclusions except _____
[A] the juries reflect society’s
ethnic mix.
[B] the juries could fully represent
people of all walks of life. [C] the juries are made of members
of whites and ethnic minorities of equal number. [D] the juries make verdicts
without discrimination.
3. About the racial bias of juries,
which one of the following statements is TRUE?
[A] Racial bias is often
counterbalanced with each other among individual jurors, resulting in a fair verdict. [B] The jurors has almost none
individual discrimination toward the defendant [C] Racial bias exists in individual
jurors but is seldom reflected in their final personal judgment. [D] The jurors are usually
well-trained in curbing their individual bias.
4. In the eyes of most Englishmen,
the verdicts by juries are_____
[A] immune from discrimination. [B] influenced by their prejudices. [C] fair enough.
[D] influenced by the defendant. 5. Towards the determination to
abolish juries for complex fraud trials, Lord Falconer’s attitude can be said to be_____ [A] supportive. [B] opposing.
[C] indifferent. [D] dubious.
审团体制目前政府在考虑废除;第二段讲述英国民众对于陪审团的看法;第三、四段讲述某小组研究成果表示英国民众对于陪审团的看法是错误的;第五段讲述存在的一些偏颇;第六段讲述陪审团裁决不会受到偏见的影响;第七段讲述目前的废除进展。 词汇注释:
bulwark n. 壁垒,防御 puncture v. 刺破
catchment n. 流域,区域 shirk v. 逃避,推卸
conscientious adj. 尽责的 leniency n. 宽大, 仁慈, 温和 难句突破:
(1) This has not prevented assertions that English juries produce verdicts
that are racially biased because they do not accurately reflect society's ethnic mix.
[主体句式] This has not prevented assertions that…
because引导的原因状语从句是主语定语从句中的状语从句。 [句子译文]
(2) In an elaborate case simulation at London's Blackfriars court, which
involved more than 300 jurors on 27 juries, the verdicts were all remarkably similar, regardless of whether the defendant was black, Asian or white.
[主体句式] The verdicts were all similar. [结构分析]这是一个复合
句,前面的介词短语是句子的状语;在该状语中,which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰前面的case。 [句子译文]
在伦敦Blackfriars法庭的一次精心的案件模拟中,有27个陪审团的300个陪审员参加,不管被告是黑人、亚洲人还是白人,裁决都非常相似。 题目分析:
1. The government of Britian wants to abolish juries in complex fraud cases probably because_____ 1. 英国政府要在诈骗案件中废除陪审团是因为_____ [A] juries no longer make verdict [A] 陪审团在民事案件中不再作出裁决。 on civel trials. [B] the system of juries has come [B] 陪审团制度不断受到攻击。 under increasing attack. [C] juries do not accurately reflect [C] 陪审团不能体现社会种族混合。 society’s ethnic mix. [D] the selection of juries is too complex. [答案]B
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
2. From the study by the team led by Cheryl 2 由CherylThomas小组的研究我Thomas, we may make the following 们可以得出除_____外的以下结论[D] 陪审团的选择过于复杂。 conclusions except _____ [A] the juries reflect society’s ethnic mix. 。 [A] 陪审团反映了社会种族混合。 [B] the juries could fully represent people of [B]陪审团可以充分代表各行各业的人 all walks of life. [C] the juries are made of members of whites and ethnic minorities of equal number. [D] the juries make verdicts without discrimination. [答案]C
[难度系数] ☆☆ [分析]
3. About the racial bias of juries, 3 关于陪审团的种族偏见,下列哪个陈[D] 陪审团作出裁决没有偏见。 [C]陪审团由相同数量的白人和少数民族组成。 which one of the following statements is TRUE? [A] Racial bias is often counterbalanced with each other among individual jurors, resulting in a fair verdict. [B] The jurors has almost none individual discrimination toward the defendant. [C] Racial bias exists in individual jurors but is seldom reflected in their final personal judgment. [D] The jurors are not affected by their individual bias. [答案] A
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆ [分析]
述是正确的? [A]由于陪审团成员之间的种族歧视互相抵消,因此最后的判决是公正的。 [B] 陪审员对于被告没有个人偏见。 [C]陪审员都有自己的种族偏见,但却没有体现在他们最终的个人判断上。 [D]陪审员不会受到他们个人偏见的影响。 细节题。根据文章中小组所作的研究,陪审员单个人对于被告是会受到个人偏见的影响,但他们整体做出的裁决却不会受到影响。因此,选项中,A是正确的, C选项看上去与A选项的表述差不多,但是其错误在于personal judgment,其实陪审员的个人判断也受到了个人种族偏见的影
4. In the eyes of most Englishmen, 4 在大多数英国人眼中,陪审团所作出的the verdicts by juries are_____ [A] immune from discrimination. [A] 不受偏见影响的。 [B] influenced by their prejudices. [B] 受到他们偏见的影响。 [C] fair enough. [D] influenced by the defendant. [答案] B
[难度系数] ☆☆☆ [分析]
推理题。文章第一段就提到,有人认为陪审团不能充分反映各混合民族的利益;而文章第六段又提出,和广泛的意见相反的是,裁决中没有偏见的影响。那么,公众是认为他们的裁决受到他们偏见的影响。因此,答案为B选项。 5. Towards the determination to abolish juries for complex fraud trials, Lord 5.对于在复杂诈骗案件中废除陪审团的决议,Lord Falconer的态度是_____ [C] 非常公正。 [D] 受到被告的影响。 裁决是_____ Falconer’s attitude can be said to be_____ [A] supportive. [B] opposing. [C] indifferent. [D] dubious. [答案]B [难度系数] ☆
[分析] 推理题。最后一段提到,Lord
Falconer将该报告视为对陪审团的辩护,“hail”也表明了他欢迎的态度,而他的话语也表达了他支持报告的结果,反对废除陪审团的决议。因此,答案为B选项。 参考译文:
[A] 支持的。 [B] 反对的。 [C] 中立的。 [D] 不确定的。 花去的时间往往比审判本身的时间还要长。该程序还包括对陪审员信仰及偏见的详尽问询。但是在英国,陪审员却是从英格兰和威尔士94个刑事法庭附近区域中随机选取。大多数都接受传唤,除非本人确实认识被告,否则陪审员很少会被质问。但是即使这样还是有人难免认为英国陪审团所作出的裁决具有种族偏见,因为陪审团不能准确地反映社会的种族混合情况。
伯明翰大学法律学院Cheryl Thomas领导的一个小组进行了一项长达四年的研究,该研究表明这些指控大多都是莫须有的。所调查的84个刑事法庭的95%的法庭中,不管是被临时应急召集过去的人员还是真正的陪审团,少数民族都得到了充分的代表。少数民族成员和白人都愿意从事陪审工作或支持陪审团制度。