学校名称 Lesson 6 课例名称 A Famous Football Player 学段学科 章节 小学 英语 第一单元 第六课 知识与技能目标 1、能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下读懂本课故事。 2、能在图片和关键词的提示下讲述故事。 学习策略目标 1、学生尝试阅读英语故事。 教学目标 2、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 3、对所学内容能主动预习。 情感态度目标 1、学生敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。 2、体会球王贝利的精神,初步感悟“爱好出勤奋,勤奋出人才”的道理。 教学重难点 教学重点:能在图片和老师的帮助下读懂故事。 教学难点:能在图片和关键词的提示下讲述故事。 教学内容分析:本课为冀教版六年级下册第一单元第六课。第一单元主要围绕有关运动的话题展开。本课讲的是贝利成长为“一代球王”的故事,与单元主题相关联。 学情分析 学习者分析:本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,这些学生从三年级开始学习英语,已经掌握了一些英语基础知识,有了一定的自主学习的能力。本课的故事内容不长,有一些词汇没有学过,但是可以联系上下文猜测词义,不影响学生理解故事。 教材版本 年级 冀教2011课标版 三年级起点 六年级 1、情境教学法:是教师创设或模拟的生活场景,应具有真实、生动、实用的特点,便于学生将所学语言材料进行综合、创造性地进行表达交流。情境能使抽象的语言具体化、形象化,在生动、形象的情景中学习英语,能使英语课堂教学趣味化、形象化。 2、游戏教学法:游戏形式使学生寓学于乐,在活泼、轻忪、愉教学方法 快的气氛中自然而然地获得英语知识与技能。游戏要求简短易行,有趣味,而且要与本课教学内容紧密相关。 3、多媒体辅助教学法 :利用插图来创设情景,培养学生的创新精神。插图是语言的形象再现,语言是插图的理性表述。借用电教媒体创造生活情景也符合小学生具体形象思维的特点,能引起学生的无意识注意,避免大脑皮层的疲劳,从而使他们轻松愉快地投入到学习中去。 教学过程 教学过程 I. Class Opening 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Li. T: Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you, too. 2. Play a game: do and guess. T: First, let’s play a game: do and guess. I need one volunteer. Who wants to come here? You do, others guess.(词条:play football/basketball/ping-pong/badminton) T: What did he/she do? S: He/She played ... (设计意图:课前师生亲切的问候可以拉近师生之间的距离,游戏可以复习动词的过去式,同时将学生快速带入到英语课堂中。) II. Story Step 1: Pre-reading T: All of you did a good job. Now let’s watch a short movie about a sport. (巴西世界杯精彩射门集锦) T: What sport is it? Ss: Football. T: Yes. The movie shows us a special football game, FIFA World Cup. Follow me, please. Ss: FIFA World Cup. T: Do you like football? Ss: Yes. /No. T: Who is your favourite football player? Ss: ... T: Why? Ss: Because ... (设计意图:以视频的形式展现巴西世界杯的精彩瞬间,抓住学生的眼球,吸引学生的注意力。) Step 2: While-reading 1. T: Good work. Today we’ll learn a story about a famous football player. T: Look, what can you see? S1: I can see a boy. S2: I can see a bottle. T: Yes. It’s a kind of bottle. We call it “can.” T: The boy plays with the can, also he plays with the bottles and boxes. Why? Now read Part 1 and underline the answer. 屏幕显示Question: Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footballs? T: Who can read the question? T: Have you got the answer? Ss: Yes. S1: He liked to play football very much, but his parents couldn’t buy him a football. T: Who can say it again? S2: ... T: This time, read together.(贴词条play football) T: Why couldn’t his parents buy him a football? S:s Because he was from a very poor family. T: Read together, a very poor family.(贴词条) (设计意图:通过预测的形式发散学生的思维,引导学生继续学习故事的欲望。) 2. T: Look here, what was the boy playing with? Ss: Football. T: Who gave him the football? Listen.(播放Part 2音频) (设计意图:听录音为学生提供地道的语音、语调,听音后回答问题可以检测学生的听力理解水平。) T: Who gave him the football? Ss: The coach. T: Yes. Look here. He is a coach. What’s the meaning of coach? Ss: 教练。 T: Yes. Who can read it? Ss: Coach. T: This line, one by one to read it. Ss: Coach ... T: Now I’ll show you some other pictures. Look! What’s he/she? He/She is a ______. (设计意图:通过不同的图片呈现coach,让学生在图片中理解其含义,形象、直观。) T: Why did the coach give him a football? Can you find the answer? (屏幕出示问题Why did the coach give the boy a football?) Ss: Because he thought that the boy would be a good player. T: Read together. Ss: ... 3. T: Good work! And from then on, the boy played football harder. At Christmas time, he wanted to do something for the coach. What do people do at Christmas? S: Give gifts, go shopping, put up Christmas tree... T: What did the boy do? Read Part 3 silently and find the answer. (设计意图:让学生带着问题默读故事,有助于培养学生自主学习的能力。) Read and choose. What did he do for the coach at Christmas time? A: He bought a Christmas gift. B: He dug a hole for the Christmas tree. T: Which one is right? S: B. T: Yes. He dug a hole for the Christmas tree. T: Here, dug is the past tense of dig.(屏幕显示dig.)Follow me, dig. Dig, dig, dig. (教师做动作)What’s the meaning? Ss: 挖。 T: Why did he dig a hole? Could he buy a Christmas gift? Ss: No. T: He was from a very poor family.(指着词条说) T: What did he say? Ss: I can’t buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree. T: How did the coach feel? Ss: He was very happy. T: What did he say? Ss: This is the best Christmas gift. T: Now you are the coach. Who can say it? S1: ... T: Was the coach very happy? Who wants to try again? S2: ... T: Now role-play. One is the boy, the other is the coach. Work in pairs. 起学生的兴趣。) (设计意图:角色扮演可以发挥学生的主体作用,活跃课堂气氛,激4. T: Wonderful. What would the coach do and what would happen next? Please read Part 4 and find the answer. Q1: What did the coach do? Q2: What happened in 1958? Check the answer. Q1: The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. Q2: The boy and his team won the World Cup. T: Yes. He was famous around the world. T: Well, boys and girls. I find the video of 1958 World Cup. Do you want to watch? S: Yes. T: Now I’ll show you.(播放1958年世界杯视频) (设计意图:通过贝利第一次夺得世界杯的视频,让学生领略贝利的风采,体会贝利的精神。) T: In 1958, how old was the boy? S: He was 17. T: Yes, he was only 17. How old are you now? Ss: I’m 11/12 years old. T: Five or six years later, you will be 17. At that time, you are studying in high school. The boy won the World Cup when he was 17. So he was very very great! 5. T: Now do you know who the boy is? S: 贝利。 T: Yes. He is Pele—the world famous football player. And he is called “the king of football.” T: Now read the story by yourselves. Then let’s do an exercise: match the pictures and the sentences. (设计意图:通过自读故事,使学生对球王贝利有一个整体的了解和认识,同时为接下来的活动做铺垫。) Step 3: Post-reading 1. Match the pictures and the sentences. 2. Tell the story. T: This time, let’s retell the story in groups of four. You can look at the keywords on the blackboard. Eg: pic 1, The boy liked to play football very much. He was from a very poor family, so he used boxes and bottles as his footballs. Clear? (设计意图:通过不同的形式检测学生对故事大意的理解程度。描述故事 可以培养学生的语言组织能力和团队合作意识。) 3. T: What can you learn from Pele? In English or Chinese. S: ... T: Good! T: Try to find your interest, work hard and have a grateful heart, you will achieve success. Maybe you will be next Pele. We know there are many players in the world, they have their own stories. Homework 板书设计 Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player 1、巧妙导入。良好的开端,成功的一半。一节优质课,不但要求教师潜心备课,熟悉教材、了解教材,而且要求教师优化课堂,增强趣味性,最大限度吸引学生,激发其学习兴趣,把注意力放到课堂上来。这得靠教师巧妙构思,设计合情合理的导入方式。这节课极大地刺激了学生的兴奋神经,一下把他们吸引住了,连后进生也跃跃试试,积极配合。本节课做到了这一点,从学生的反应看,这种导入方式是值得肯定的。 2、教与学有机结合在一起。在教学过程中,既有教师灵活的教,教学反思 也应有学生积极主动地参与,才是真正意义上的教学。课堂中避免了以往教师满堂灌,学生被动学习这一模式。把学生变被动为主动。让学生亲自表演,增强了学习趣味性,引发学生思考、记忆。体现了学生的主体性,教师的指导性。既完成了教学任务,学生在学到知识同时亦学得开心、有趣。 3、创造性教学。学习,不但要学习前人的丰富经念,牢记掌握固有知识,还要学会灵活应用,才是学习的根本目的。在本课堂,大胆进行教学拓展。 4、学习过程同时也是发现归纳的过程。学生是学习的主体,不但要跟随教师学习,也应在学习过程中善于归纳总结,自己得出结论。所学的知识才印象深刻,牢固掌握。把别人的知识经验变成自己的知识经验。 5、掌控课堂,灵活教学。灵活过渡,必要时采取有效的取舍,游刃有余是每位优秀教师应该具备的素质。我在上课时完全按照备好的课按部就班,觉得每一步骤都很重要,不可少。时间不多时还继续按原来的思路授课,以至到最后超时。操作过于呆板,不够灵活机智,影响到教学质量。 6、平等原则。每个学生都希望得到老师的关注与重视。处于少年的学生对这要求体现得尤其强烈。教师的一个眼神、一个微小的细节,也会引起学生的注意,联想。甚至引发他们的情绪,使自信心受到打击。课堂中把给忽略了这部分。体现在让学生到讲台来表演故事时,不少学生高高举起手,都希望自己能去试试。结果,我叫上来的都是品学兼优的学生,令那些“后进生”极其失望。甚至有个别学生露出不屑的神色。这点非常欠考虑。备课时没有想到应该让一个优秀生,一个后进生来表演,从而体现出教师对各个学生一视同仁的原则。以后应该多考虑学生个体、心理以及年龄等各因素。 通过这一节课,我对如何备好课,吸引学生,启发学生思维,培养学生学习能力有了更进一步的认识。也深刻体会到了备课既要备教材,也要备学生的真正含义。