专利名称:Method of Manufacturing Aircraft Using
Temporary Fasteners
发明人:James A. Kelley,Rick A. Luepke,Lisa M.
Vestal,Elizabeth J. Kush,Michael LorenHestness,Eric C. Patty,Jeff Langevin
摘要:A temporary fastener and a method of attaching an aircraft skin to a frame
using the temporary fastener during a step of the skin to frame assembly process. Thefastener secures the skin to the structure while holes for permanent fasteners are drilledthrough the skin and frame; the fastener is flush mounted so that an automatic drill candrill the holes without interference. The temporary fastener can be removed after thepermanent fastener holes are drilled, and before or after permanent fasteners areinserted within their respective holes.
申请人:James A. Kelley,Rick A. Luepke,Lisa M. Vestal,Elizabeth J. Kush,Michael LorenHestness,Eric C. Patty,Jeff Langevin
地址:Benbrook TX US,Fort Worth TX US,Fort Worth TX US,Fort Worth TX US,FortWorth TX US,Wauseon OH US,Fort Worth TX US