As my holiday comes to an end, I feel both happy and sad. Happy because I had an amazing time exploring new places, trying new things and meeting new people. Sad because I have to say goodbye to all the wonderful
experiences I had during this vacation. But I know that all good things must come to an end, and I am grateful for the memories that I will cherish forever.
我的假期即将结束,我感到既开心又难过。开心是因为我度过了一个美好的时光,探索了新的地方,尝试了新的事物,结交了新的朋友。难过是因为我不得不告别这个假期带给我的所有美好体验。但我知道,所有美好的事情都会有结束的时候,我很感激这些回忆,它们将永远留存在我心中。 。
During my holiday, I went to Bali, Indonesia and tried surfing for the first time. It was a thrilling experience and I felt so alive riding the waves. I also met some locals who were so kind and welcoming, they showed me around the island and introduced me to their culture. It was a great opportunity to learn and broaden my horizons. 。