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英语写作之——Topic Sentence 的写法


英语写作之——Topic Sentence 的写法

1. 根本原则:观点明确

Topic Sentence一定要体现出你的观点,所谓的观点即可以定义为思考的产物!不说没有主题的官话(没营养的废话),因为那会让人觉得作者很傻;也不要说事实,因为那不是经过思考的谈不上观点;另外,最好不要用疑问句,反问句,因为观点直接一点更好,而且英文写作追求直接高效的语言应用(比如:写作上,一针见血的单词的应用效果远胜于几乎任何词组;口语上,尽量用词组会更好)。


p1. Children suffer a lot emotionally when their parents get divorced.

p2. In addition, children need to feel secure and should live where they feel the safest and happiest.

p3. Finally, most children live with their mother after their parents divorce.

仅供参考 p1,p2都是观点,p3不是观点。可以对p3进行如下改正:

p3. Finally, the court often chooses to place children with their mother by default, but a child may feel that his father is a better care giver.

2. 逻辑原则:思路流畅



p1. The first type of boring person is the obvious one who just is not fun to be with.

p2. Another one is someone who spends all his time talking about himself.

p3. Someone can become more interesting if he takes up a new hobby or learns a new skill.

仅供参考 p2,p3与p1看上去不对仗,逻辑上不流畅。可以对p2,p3进行如下改正:

p2. Another type of boring person is the one who thinks he is interesting, but he spends all his time talking about himself.

p3. The third kind of boring person is the person who is negative and complains all the time. For these individuals, they can become more interesting if they take up a new hobby or learn a new skill.
