专利名称:Enhanced bioavailability of nutrients,
pharmaceutical agents, and other bioactivesubstances through laser resonanthomogenization or modification ofmolecular shape or crystalline form
发明人:Todd F. Ovokaitys,John Scott Strachan申请号:US10775038申请日:20040209
摘要:A method for improving the bioavailability of a bioactive substance includessubjecting the bioactive substance to laser radiation. The laser radiation modifies thebioactive substance to thereby modify reactions relating thereto in the body. Themethod enables reductions in inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases,modification of reaction by-products in the body, increased homogenization and
flattening of molecular shape and improved methylation. The improved methylation canbe utilized to reduce homocysteine blood levels, and to reduce anxiety, depression,paranoia, hostility, somatization (perception of bodily distress) and obsessive-compulsivesymptoms. Enhanced nitric oxide generation from modified L-arginine can be used toreduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lower total and LDL cholesterol levels, andimprove the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. Increased depth of penetration of sparseconstructive nodes of laser radiation may increase the range of photodynamic therapyapplications and a wide range of in vitro and in vivo modifications of molecular shape andactivity. Laser acoustic resonance can be utilized to increase the homogeneity of crystals,or favor the generation of novel or preferred crystalline forms.