Unit 2 reading1
教学 1. To understand what colors represent. 目标 2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions. 3. To match colors to characters. 重点1. To know the main idea of this article according to the key words and context. 难点分析 2. To understand the details of the passage. 教学流程安排 集体智慧 (以知识体系为主) Step1.Leading in. 个性设计 (二次备课) 教学后记 学生对颜色很熟悉,提到喜欢的颜色,课堂气氛被很快带动起来 采用略读方法,回答一些问题,正确率很高 采用浏览方式,完成相关问题,结果不太好,学生需要多练习此方法,帮助完成阅读理解 First, ask them questions about colors to check how they 学生对颜色感兴understand colors. 趣,问题设置简单, What do you know about colors? 学生很容易回答 What if there’s no color in the world? Choose different rooms painted different colors when you have different feelings. Then, Tell students that we are going to know more about the 采用浏览的方法去快速读课文,找到relationship between colors and moods. 答案。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Skimming How many kinds of colours are talked about in the text? What are they? 训练学生查找要点 What colours are mentioned in the text? 的能力。设置题型要多元化。 2. Scanning Para 1: What’s the main idea of the article? Para 2: What does blue represent and what about white? Para3: How do you feel when you see the warm colours? Complete the table: Warm colours orange yellow What does it represent 学生预计较好,很What can it do 容易完成此表格 1 最新初中英语精品资料设计
Para 4 and 5 Do True or False questions 1. Red is the colour of heat and represents nature. 2. Green is only the colour of new life and growth. 3. Green can give us energy. 根据课文内容,学4. Red can help you to make a decision. 生很容易判断 5. When you feel tired or weak, you should wear red clothes. Step 3 Practice 1. Read the article again and complete the table 2. Complete Part B2 and B3. 3. For weaker students, ask them to underline the sentences they don’t understand and let some good students to translate for them. 练习1. Read aloud the article 安排 2. Remember the new words in this lesson. 3. Finish Unit 2 period 2 on Assessment Book. 在预习的基础上,让学生继续完成阅读部分练习,很好 颜色是他们感兴趣的话题,学生很认真,掌握很好! 板书 设计 Unit 2 reading1 1.colours and moods 2.make sb feel happy or sad 3.mind and body 4.create a warm and comfortable feeling . 2 最新初中英语精品资料设计
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