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  第一部分 简要提示

  一、年级:五年级      二、单元:第二单元:

  三、课题:a telephone call      四、课型:新授课

  五、教学内容: 单元part b、c、d

  六、 教学目标:

  1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写had, a cough, a headache, a fever, bad, feel, a cold.

  2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型how do you feel now? i still feel…

  what’s wrong with you? i’ve got…

  3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语i’m sorry to hear that.



  第二部分  教学过程




  greeting: t:hello, boys and girls. nice to  see you again. first of all , let’s sing a song ‘ wish you happy everyday’.同学们大家好。首先我们来唱一首歌,‘ wish you happy everyday’ ppt 3



  1. play a game: 下面请同学们和老师一起来玩个游戏。 listen and do。听一听做一做。我们先来看一看这些同学是怎么做的吧。

  2.t:last lesson we learned part a. do you still remember what’s wrong with helen?在上节课学的课文a部分中,我们了解到helen怎么了?

  t: good, she’s got a headache and a bad cough. now, let’s look at the screen, what’s wrong with this old lady?  yes, she ‘s got a headache. now here you can see four words  can you try to read them? great, tooth, ear, back and stomach. now, the new words.  pay attention to ‘ache’, it means 痛. please try to read them.

  ok. this time please read after the tape. 跟读ppt4

  t: you did a good job. now look at the screen we have other two new words. ppt5

  please read after me.   领读a fever , a cold

  can you make a sentence with the new word? yes, you’re right. i’ve got a…

  t: now, boys and girls, please look at the screen and answer my questions. 请大家看图回答我的问题。ppt6

  look at picture one. what’s wrong with him? (停顿)

  t: yes, he’s got a toothache. please look at picture 2. what’s wrong with her? (停顿)

  great, she’s got an earache.


  t:ok, stop. now, let’s play a game. can you look at the screen and guess the word? let’s try.

  no.1 what is the word? (停顿)  yes, it’s toothache.  no.2 …ppt7



  1.t: now, boys and girls, let’s act.同学们,下面我们来演一演。 please make a short dialogue with your partner。you can use the drills on the screen. you can find the pictures in page 18, part d. 现在就请大家开始对话吧。  ppt8

  t: now let’s check our answer.ppt9-11.同学们,你们都做对了吗?让我们来看一看。


  t: good, you did a good job. now i feel a little tired, let’s take a rest and enjoy a rhyme. 我感觉有点累了,我们一起休息以下,欣赏一首儿歌吧。ppt12

  3.t: boys and girls, how do you feel now?  i feel better. let’s continue. now, look,  i have some pictures for you, can you try to make a dialogue? you can find the pictures in page 17. part c.ppt13. 请大家根据这几幅图片跟你的同桌对话,你也可以在书上的c部分找到这几幅图片。

  t: now, let’s check our answer. ppt14-15

  let’s see, whether you are right or wrong.同学们,我们来核对一下答案吧,你做对了吗?



  1.t: very good. 大家做得都很好。下面我们来看这幅图。你可以选择其中任意一个人物跟你的同学演一演。 你可以用下面的这些句型,当然你也可以加入自己的语言。下面就请大家试一试吧。

  (总结:today we learned the new words of part b. we also learned the drills of part c and d. after class, please use the pictures of part c and make a dialogue with your friend.今天我们学习了本单元b部分的新单词和cd部分的句型,课后请大家利用c部分的图片跟你的朋友做一个对话。好了,今天就到这里了,我们下次再见吧。)

  第三部分  说明

  本课时主要学习的是b部分的单词和c、d部分的句型,老师可以先带着学生复习以前学过的身体部位类的名词,由此引入本课中的新词汇。然后创设情景,引导运用这些词汇做师生问答,目的是起到示范作用,便于学生后面环节中能仿照示范完成类似口头练习。同时,在自由对话完毕后要请几组学生进行对话反馈,教师注意结合反馈情况,给出评价及时纠正错误。 在句型和词汇操练完毕之后,运用情景表演的活动,让学生在轻松的形式中巩固本课所学的知识,提升学生对英语学习的兴趣。

  5a unit 2 教学方案(2) 来自第一范文网。
