TL 52018
Issue 2011-03
Class. No.:Descriptors:
adhesive foam tape, foam, adhesive tape, adhesive-coated on both sides, plastic, body
Adhesive Foam Tape, Adhesive-Coated on Both SidesMaterial Requirements
5 types: A, B, C, D, EPrevious issues之前版本
TL 52018: 1976-05, 1977-05, 1979-01, 1984-03, 1991-01, 1992-08, 1993-02, 1996-05Changes
The following changes have been made compared with TL 52018: 1996-05:较TL 52018:1996-05版,作如下更改:–Section 1 \"Scope\" changed更改了“范围”–Section 3.2.2 \"Shelf life\" changed更改了“保存期限”
–Section 3.3 \"Notes on the selection of adhesive tapes\" changed更改了“胶带选择注意事项”–Section 3.5 \"Design requirements for the process-reliable and functionally reliable use of adhe‐
增加了“实现胶带可靠工序和可靠功能的设计要求”。sive tapes\" added
–Section 4.2 \"Bond between adhesive tape and add-on part\" and Section 4.3 \"Bond between
painted panel and add-on part\": required values corrected更改了表“胶带和产品的粘接”和 “喷漆面和产品间的粘结”的数值改了Table2–Table 2 changed
–Section 5.2 \"Heat and humidity aging\" changed更改了“湿热老化”
–Section 5.4 \"Determining the relative peel strength\" supplemented补充了“相对剥离强度鉴定”的内容–Standard restructured标准重组1
The adhesive foam tape described herein serves to fasten plastic add-on parts such as, e.g., sideprotective bumper strips made of > EPDM+PP < to painted body surfaces.
These Technical Supply Specifications (TL) describe the requirements placed on the adhesive tapesas well as on the adhesive bonds produced with them. The specified values relate to adhesive bonds
Verify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.
This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO convention.此处泡沫胶带用于绑扎塑料附件,如把侧保护保险条(材料为EPDM+PP)粘附到已喷漆的车身表面。
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Technical responsibilityGQL-LP/4GQL-LPHagen RakusDr. Roger HillertTel.: +49 5361 9-22178Standards DepartmentEKDV/4 Ute Hager-SüßTel.: +49 5361 9-49035EKDVManfred TerlindenConfidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Groupmember.
This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft
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established between partial areas of add-on parts and body surfaces. These partial areas must allowbonding over the full surface area. Rib or honeycomb structures are not taken into consideration bythe values specified herein.此处数据与胶带相关,胶带介于粘附产品和被粘附表面
The values represent minimum requirements placed on the adhesive tapes. They do not correspondto requirements for functional capability.数值代表对胶带的最低要求,但功能要求除外。2
说明Adhesive foam tape as per TL 52018TL 52018标准的泡沫胶带
3 3.1
General requirements总体要求
Approval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen Standard VW 01155.Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.有害物质预防参考VW91101The required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.
根据大众VW 01155,首次供货和供货更改应先向大众确认
The following is required for complete testing: at least 5 m or a corresponding quantity of the self-adhesive add-on part, painted sections of body panels.–––
No customer complaints. Max. 1 warranty claim per 1 000 vehicles.
Process-reliable in-line assembly without additional devices,
time required per component < 10 seconds.生产线可靠,流水线一次安装,无附加设备,每个产品耗时<10秒。Easy removal without special tools in after-sales service.在售后服务过程中,产品应不借助工具,容易搬移。
Delivery form
The adhesive tapes are already bonded to the add-on parts when delivered.当交付时,确保胶带在需粘附的产品上。3.2.1
After-sales service parts售后服务产品
The side of the adhesive tape to be bonded to the body panel is covered by a protective film (thickness≥ 0,05 mm), preferably made of PE.胶带侧面应有一层PE材料的保护膜,厚度≥0.05mm.The add-on parts with applied adhesive tape are delivered in hermetically sealed bags made of PEfilm with a thickness ≥ 0,1 mm.附胶带的产品应用PE膜密封袋保存装运,袋厚≥0.1mm.3.2.2
Shelf life
At least 3 years in ISO 554 – 23/50 standard climate for standard add-on parts made of materialssuch as, e.g., TPV > EPDM+PP <. Exposure to direct solar radiation is to be avoided. It must bepossible to remove the protective PE film from the adhesive tape easily and without leaving a residueprior to installation. The workshop using the parts in question must check them for detachment of theliner. The parts must be discarded if the protective film has detached from the adhesive tape or if thesurface is damaged or soiled. Materials containing plasticizers (e.g., PVC) are not suitable for storageperiods exceeding 1 year.
根据ISO 554-23/50标准气候规定,粘附产品(材料为TPV>EPDM+PP<)保存期限至少3年。避免直接被太阳辐射。PE保护膜易剥离胶带且无残留。当车间使用问题产品时,应检查产品内部是否有剥离现象。当保护膜脱落或胶带表面损坏或沾泥时,产品不得使用。如果产品材料含增塑剂(如PVC),则产品保存期限不宜超过1年。
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3.3 Notes on the selection of adhesive tapes
几何形状,重量和粘附产品的机械性能(如弹性,固有钢性,尺寸)。钢性大,无固定附件且重量大的产品不适合用压敏性的胶带进行粘附。Apart from the characteristics of the bonding system, the properties of an adhesive bond are alsodetermined by the material composition (e.g., plasticizer content), geometry, weight, as well as bythe mechanical behavior (e.g., elasticity, inherent stiffness, dimensions) of the add-on part. Heavyadd-on parts of high inherent stiffness and without additional fasteners are not suitable for being
bonded using pressure-sensitive adhesives only.除了粘接系统本身的特点之外,胶带粘性还取决于材料成分(如增塑剂含量),The requirements apply to systems that are not subject to dynamic loads. As regards bonded add-on parts with more stringent mechanical requirements, new values for the adhesive bond must bespecified in the drawing.
The physical/chemical surface condition of the various paint systems is an additional factor of vital
importance. A minimum surface energy of (36 to 40) mN/m with a minimum polar fraction of
(3,6 to 4) mN/m has been determined empirically for the surface to be bonded. Low-energy surfacessuch as those of PP and TPV > EPDM+PP < are not suitable for adhesive bonds using standardacrylate adhesives. In this case, the surfaces are either to be pre-treated or specifically modifiedadhesives are to be used. If tolerances need to be compensated, it may prove necessary to use asofter adhesive tape. Although this will result in lower strength values obtained in the tensile sheartest, it will, at the same time, yield a larger joining surface that can be obtained in a more process-reliable manner. Softer foam cores/foam systems may be used in this case. The lower tensile shearstrength as per Table 2 required in this case must be specified in the drawing.
These parameters must be taken into consideration when selecting an adhesive tape design. Ex‐
aminations for validating the parameters are obligatory.(36-40)mN/m可以形成表面粘附。标准丙烯酸酯胶粘剂不挑选胶带设计时应考虑这些参数。必须检查这些参数的有效性。宜用于粘附低能量表面(如PP,TPV>EPDM+PP<)。这种情况下,3.4
Width and thickness: as per drawing.
Dimensions of the adhesive tape
Table 2 所示,拉伸剪切测试产生的较低的强度值应在图纸中3.5
Design requirements for the process-reliable and functionally reliable use of adhesivetapes实现胶带可靠工序和可靠功能的设计要求
Joints and bonding gaps must be designed to allow the adhesive tape to be compressed to a specificthickness when applying the defined contact pressure. Example: It must be possible to compress an
本段翻译在adhesive tape with a thickness of 0,8 mm to at least 50% of its thickness. Specifications concerning最下面三行the contact pressure of the adhesive tape (in N/cm2) and the holding time (in seconds) are to be
obtained from the data sheets. These specifications must be verified on the component using suitablemeasuring technology (TekScan). An adhesive bond covering the entire surface area is to be aimedfor. Bonding on ribs will result in decreased adhesive strength compared to an adhesive bond coveringan entire surface. Embossed areas and swages frequently feature higher tolerances than other con‐tact surfaces that have to be taken into consideration in the design.
In order to ensure reliable installation, the add-on parts are to feature positioning aids.
When designing components, care must be taken to ensure that the installation of the add-on partsdoes not result in plastic deformation of the body or the add-on parts themselves.
The contours of the bonding surfaces must only exhibit a slight change in the curvature radius. Theadd-on parts must furthermore feature plane contact surfaces corresponding to the body surfacesthey are to be bonded to. Edges and tight radii are to be avoided in order to prevent peak stresseswhen bonding add-on parts to the body.接合面的轮廓仅通过曲率半径稍作更改。粘附产品的平面
The selection of the adhesive tape must be part of component design.胶带挑选应成为产品设计的一部分。Paint dependency must be taken into consideration when selecting the adhesive tape. This includes,e.g., different hardness values (colors, base coat) and surface geometries (microgeometry). Thin
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adhesive tapes applied to uneven surfaces will result in insufficient contact. Improved contact onuneven surfaces can be achieved by using softer adhesive tapes of increased thickness. For criticalcolors, it may prove necessary to support the adhesive bond (adhesion) through the application ofprimer or suitable pre-treatment methods.如果胶带用于不平表面,则接触不充分。用较软加厚的胶
Joining surfaces must be designed to ensure that all of the theoretical bonding surface is utilized.Ribs and honeycomb structures minimize the effective bonding surface and air inclusions will subject
the adhesive bond to additional loads when the air expands. Adhesive bonds on ribs may allow此段译文在最上方humidity to penetrate. Deviations in the geometry of joining partners, particularly at the ends, lead topermanent stresses which will cause the bonded add-on parts to deatch from the body. Adhesivebonds in embossed areas and swages are critical with regard to the resulting tolerances (see above).
Nameplates must not be undersized (< 0,25 cm2) because otherwise the adhesive bond will notprovide sufficient shear strength to avoid dislocation. The edge ratio should not exceed 2:1 for purely
uniaxial geometries.字牌尺寸不能太小(<0.25cm2),否则胶带不能提供足够大的抗剪强度来避免错位。对于单纯的单轴几何,边缘比例不能超过2:1。3.6 –––––
TL 52018-ATL 52018-BTL 52018-CTL 52018-DTL 52018-EAdhesive tape with PCR foam as substrate基体为PCR泡沫的胶带Adhesive tape with PUR foam as substrate基体为PUR泡沫的胶带Adhesive tape with EVA foam as substrate基体为EVA泡沫的胶带Adhesive tape with PE foam as substrate基体为PE的胶带
Adhesive tape with closed-cell polyacrylate foam core闭孔泡沫芯聚丙烯酸酯胶带
3.7 –––––
Structure and composition
TL 52018-ATL 52018-BTL 52018-CTL 52018-DTL 52018-E
PCR foam, coated with acrylic ester-based adhesive compound on both
sides, covered with protective film on one sidePCR泡沫,两面涂有丙烯酸酯基粘合剂,一面有保护膜。PUR foam, coated with acrylic ester-based adhesive compound on both
sides, covered with protective film on one sidePUR泡沫,两面涂有丙烯酸酯基粘合剂,一面有保护膜。EVA foam, coated with acrylic ester-based adhesive compound on both
sides, covered with protective film on one sideEVA泡沫,两面涂有丙烯酸酯基粘合剂,一面有保护膜。PE foam, coated with acrylic ester-based adhesive compound on both sides,
covered with protective film on one sidePE泡沫,两面涂有丙烯酸酯基粘合剂,一面有保护膜。Polyacrylate foam core, joined to form a non-splittable unit by means of coat‐ing on both sides with acrylic ester-based adhesive, covered with protectivefilm on one side
3.8 –––––
Marking as per VDA 260
> PCR, acrylic <> PUR, acrylic <> EVA, acrylic <> PE, acrylic <> Acrylic <
TL 52018-ATL 52018-BTL 52018-CTL 52018-DTL 52018-E
3.9 Measurements
Unless otherwise specified, measurements are to be taken after 24 h acclimatization in theISO 554-23/50 standard climate.
在无其他说明的情况下,根据ISO 554-23/50标准气候条款的规定,产品经过24h的环境适应后进行测量。
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4 4.1
Property requirementsAdhesive tape胶带
性能要求See Section 3.4.2
Bond between adhesive tape and add-on part
See Table 1.
Table 1
No.1接受时状态1.1Property性能Unit单位Requirements要求Floating roller peel test, all types, see Section 5.4浮动滚动剥离测试,所有型号,见Section5.4As-received conditionN/cmPS ≥ 14PS ≥ 14After aging at elevated tem‐ perature240 h at +90 °C240h, 90℃升温老化后,见Section5.1see Section 5.1After heat and humidity ag‐ PS ≥ 12ing240 h at +70 °C240h, 70℃温湿老化后,见Section5.2see Section 5.2After low-temperature aging PS ≥ 1248 h at -40 °Csee Section 5.348h, -40℃低温老化后,见Section5.3Bond between painted panel and add-on part
1.21.3or material fracture in thefoam substrate泡沫基体发生断裂1.44.3
See Section 5.5 and Table 2.
Table 2
No. 1接收时状态1.1Property 性能Unit单位 N/cm2TL 52018-A to -C≥ 50Requirements要求TL 52018-DTL 52018-E≥ 40≥ 40≥ 60≥ 60Tensile shear strength, see Section 5.6拉伸剪切强度,见Section5.6As-received conditionAfter aging at elevated tem‐N/cm2≥ 50perature240 h at +90 °C240h, 90℃升温老化后,见Section5.1see Section 5.1After heat and humidity ag‐N/cm2≥ 40ing240 h at +40 °C240h, 40℃温湿老化后,见Section5.2see Section 5.2After low-temperature agingN/cm2≥ 4048 h at -30 °C48h, -40℃低温老化后,见Section5.3see Section≥ 30≥ 601.4≥ 30≥ 50Page 6
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No. 1.5Property 性能Unit 单位RequirementsTL 52018-D≥ 30要求TL 52018-A to -CTL 52018-E≥ 50After aging in window wash‐N/cm2≥ 40er test solutionfor 1 h1h 风窗洗涤器试验后老化,见Section 5.9see Section 5.91.6After aging in transit coatingN/cm2≥ 40≥ 30remover test solutionfor 5 min可转换涂层去除试验后老化5分钟,见Section5.9see Section 5.9After aging in test fuelN/cm2≥ 40for 5 minsee Section 5.10在试验燃料中5分钟,见Section5.10At room temperature室温下N/cm2At elevated temperature of+70 °C70℃高温下Ball drop test at -30 °C-30℃落球测试≥ 501.7≥ 30≥ 5022.12.233.1Long-term tensile shear strength for all types, see Section 5.7N/cm2持久的拉伸剪切强度见Section5.7≥ 6≥ 2Low-temperature behavior for all types, see Section 5.8所有型号的低温性能吗,见Section5.8N/cm2No destruction or damage of the adhesive bond be‐tween painted panel/add-on part位于喷漆面和产品中间的胶带无损坏
5 5.1
Notes on testing测试说明Aging at elevated temperature
Aging for 240 h at +90 °C.90℃时,老化240h
The measurement is to be taken after at least 24 h of acclimatization in the ISO 554-23/50 standardclimate.按照ISO 554-23/50B标准气候要求,产品适应环境至少24h后进行测量。5.2
Heat and humidity aging湿热老化
Aging for 240 h at +40 °C and 100% relative humidity.在40℃,相对湿度100%的环境下,老化240h。Aging period is followed by drying: +70 °C recirculated air with fresh-air supply for 8 h.
The measurement is to be taken after at least 24 h of acclimatization in the ISO 554-23/50 standardclimate.按照ISO 554-23/50B标准气候要求,产品适应环境至少24h后进行测量。5.3
Low-temperature aging
Aging for 48 h at -30 °C.在-30℃时老化48h
The measurement is to be taken after 2 h of acclimatization in the ISO 554-23/50 standard climate.
根据ISO 554-23/50标准气候要求,产品适应环境2h时候再进行测量。
5.4 Determining the relative peel strength确定相对剥离强度
The specimens must be prepared as follows:
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PS in a floating roller peel test fixture as per DIN EN 1464.浮动滚动剥离测试工装信息参见 DIN EN 1464The following deviation applies: traverse speed 50 mm/min.以下偏差的移动速度为50mm/min
Testing is performed using a tensile test machine conforming to at least class 1 requirements as perDIN EN ISO 7500-1.根据 DIN EN ISO 7500-1的要求,拉伸测试机等级至少为1级。The following is to be determined from the peel diagram:剥离图表确定以下内容
Remove any plastic material hindering the peel process prior to the test.测试前,清除阻碍剥离工序的塑料。Remove the cover film and replace it by a reinforcing aluminum strip. Peel the adhesive tape offtogether with the aluminum strip.撕掉保护膜,用增强型铝片代替。把胶带和铝片一起剥离。(Company: Lawrence & Frederick, Inc.501 E. Lake Street Streamwood , IL 60103; fax no.:630-289-9617, phone no.: 630-289-8300; material designation: 0,127 mm thick anodized alu‐minum foil, 1145-0-SB undyed/unsealed - roll length 750 linear feet, 16 mm width; wound flatanodized side in. Rolls packaged individually to protect from moisture.)
Now use a roller with a weight of 5 kg and move it over the specimen once in every direction ata speed of 300 mm/min. Then condition the specimen for 24 h.
Relative peel strength (corresponds to the average strength during a continuous peeling-off action).An area of the peel test diagram of (30 to 90)% of the diagram length must be used for the evaluation.Number of specimens: 55.5
Preparing tensile shear specimens
Bond sections of add-on parts with a length of 70 mm to painted test sheets (measuring 70 x 30 mm).Remove any plastic material hindering the test process beforehand.测试前,清除阻碍剥离工序的塑料。The painted test sheets must only be used once.
If required, all paint systems (e.g., solid paint, 1-component metallic clear coat, 2-component PURclear coat) must be included in the examinations.
The size of the bonding area where the painted panel and add-on part overlap must be at least3 cm2.喷漆面和产品的粘附面积至少3cm2.
Characteristic data of the bonding process:––
Joining of the parts to be bonded with a contact pressure as specified in the PDM sheet or byDesign Engineering.按照设计工程部门提供的PDM表,用触点压力粘结产品。
Conditioning of the specimen in the ISO 554 – 23/50 standard climate for at least 24 h.
标本必须按照ISO 554-23/50标准气候要求执行24h以上。产品适应环境1h后方可安排测试。
The specimen is ready for testing after an acclimatization period of 1 h.5.6
Determining the tensile shear values确定拉伸剪切值
Determination of tensile shear strength as per DIN EN 1465, traverse speed 50 mm/min.
Testing is performed using a tensile test machine conforming to at least class 1 requirements as perDIN EN ISO 7500-1.根据 DIN EN ISO 7500-1的要求,拉伸测试机等级至少为1级。
The specimen is held in vertical position in the clamping devices of the tensile test machine by meansof suitable mounts.用夹具将标本垂直固定在测试机上。Number of specimens: 5标本数量5
根据DIN EN1465,确定拉伸剪切强度,移动速度50 mm/min.
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5.7 Determining the long-term tensile shear values
Determination of long-term tensile shear strength as per DIN EN 15336, test duration ≥ 30 min.The specimens are conditioned for 30 min before the test at an elevated temperature of +70 °C isperformed.在开始高温测试(70℃)之前,标本放置30min.Number of specimens: 5标本数量:55.8
Low-temperature behavior
根据DIN EN 15336确定长期拉伸剪切值,测试时间≥30min
Testing of low-temperature behavior as per Test Specification PV 3905; ball drop height: 23 cm (notagainst glass).测试说明书PV3905中的低温性能测试;落球高度:23cm
Preparation of specimens as per Section 5.5 with the following deviation: flush bonding of the 70 mm
long sections of painted panel/add-on part.Section 5.5中的标本准备工作作如下改变:70mm区域的粘结为嵌入式The test requires prior conditioning for 24 h at -40 °C.测试前,产品在-40℃下放置24h。5.9
Aging in window washer test solution
Testing as per PV 2037 (only if contact is theoretically possible) with the following deviation: agingperiod is 1 h or 5 min.PV2037测试作如下调整:老化时间为1h或5min.5.10
Aging in test fuel
Aging in FAM test fluid as per DIN 51604-1 at (23 ± 2) °C (only if contact is theoretically possible);duration: 5 min.根据DIN 51604-1,在(23±2)℃,FAM测试液中老化(如果理论上接触成立);时间 5分钟The test is started 30 min after removal of the specimen from the medium.标本离开介质30分钟后开始测试6
Other applicable documents其他应用文件
The following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.以下文件适用:
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Germanterms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminological
inconsistency.一些文件原本为德文,从德文翻译过来的术语可能和此《标准》中的术语不同,从而导致术语不一致。Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in otherlanguages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 2037PV 3905VW 01155VW 91101DIN 51604-1DIN EN 1464DIN EN 1465
Plastic parts, metal-nonmetal bonds塑件,金属-非金属粘接
Organic Materials; Ball Drop Test有机材料;落球测试
Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes汽车配件;首次供货和供货更改确认Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, OperatingFluids; Avoidance of Hazardous Substances
FAM testing fluid for polymer materials; Composition and requirementsAdhesives - Determination of peel resistance of adhesive bonds - Floatingroller method胶带-胶带防剥离测定-浮动滚压法
聚合物材料的FAM 测试液体;成分和要求
Adhesives - Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of bonded assem‐blies胶带-产品粘接后的拉力搭接剪切强度鉴定
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DIN EN 15336DIN EN ISO 7500-1
Adhesives - Determination of the time to rupture of bonded joints understatic load胶带-静态负荷时,粘结的产品分离的时间鉴定
Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1:Tension/compression testing machines - Verification and calibration of theforce-measuring system
Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; SpecificationsComponents of motor vehicles; marking of material
ISO 554VDA 260