Eat five grains to keep your body strong. 2、少吃多喝水,每日精神美。
Eat less and drink more water. Every day is spiritual. 3、饭前喝汤,苗条健康。
Drink soup before meals, slim and healthy. 4、宁愿食无肉,不行食无豆。
Better eat without meat than without beans. 5、吃米带点糠,老少都安康。
Eat rice with some bran, all the young and old are healthy. 6、路要一步一步走,饭要一口一口吃。
The road needs to be taken step by step, and the meal needs to be eaten one mouthful at a time.
Stop smoking and drinking, and get sick. 8、宁愿细水长流,不行顿顿吃稠。
Better a long stream of water than a heavy meal. 9、吃葱吃白胖,吃瓜吃黄亮。
Eat green onion, white fat, melon, yellow light. 10 、欲得长生,肠中常清。
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If you want to live long, your intestines will always be clear. 11 、会吃千顿香,不会吃一顿伤。
Can eat a thousand tons of fragrance, will not eat a wound. 12 、吃饭就睡觉,如同吃毒药。 Eating and sleeping is like taking poison. 13 、做得快是毛,吃得快没嚼。
It's wool that's done fast, but it's not chewed fast. 14 、饮食习惯好,远离医和药。
Good eating habits, away from medicine and medicine. 15 、三餐可是饱,无病活到老。
Three meals are not enough, and you live to old age
without illness.
16 、闲话不行乱讲,东西不行乱吃。 Don't gossip or eat anything at random. 17 、若要身体壮,饭菜嚼成浆。
If you want to be strong, chew the food into pulp. 18 、要想身体好,早饭要吃好。
If you want to be healthy, have a good breakfast. 19 、宁吃鲜桃一口,不吃烂杏一筐。
Better eat a bite of fresh peach than a basket of rotten apricots.
20 、好吃不痴胀,痴胀伤五脏。
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Delicious food does not inflate, inflate and injure the internal organs.
21 、走遍天下娘好,吃尽百味盐好。
It's good to go all over the world and eat all kinds of salt. 22 、清晨吃好,正午吃饱。
Eat well in the morning and eat well at noon. 23 、吃了省钱瓜,害了绞肠痧。
Eat the money-saving melon, hurt the colic. 24 、滚粥辣汤,舌头倒霉。 Hot porridge soup, tongue suffered. 25 、人愿长寿安,要减夜来餐。
People want to live a long life and have dinner at night. 26 、生冷不进口,防病保长寿。
Cold does not enter, disease prevention and longevity. 27 、一顿吃伤,十顿喝汤。 One meal hurts, ten meals of soup. 28 、贪吃又贪睡,添病又减岁。
Gluttony and sleepiness add to illness and decrease in age. 29 、早吃好,午吃饱,晚吃少。
Eat well in the morning, eat well in the afternoon and eat little in the evening.
30 、慢吃嚼碎,不伤脾胃。
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Eat slowly and chew without hurting the spleen stomach.
31 、枸杞煮粥吃,增添肝功能。 Lycium barbarum
porridge to increase function.
32 、不做害人事,不吃有毒物。
Don't do harmful things, don't eat poisonous substances. 33 、大饥不大食,大渴不大饮。
Great hunger makes little food and thirst makes little drink. 34 、心虚气不足,桂圆米煮粥。
Heart deficiency and Qi deficiency, longan rice porridge. 35 、饭吃八成饱,老来胃肠好。
Eighty percent of the food is full, and the stomach
intestines are good when you are old.
36 、饭前喝口汤,永久没灾殃。
Take a soup before dinner and never suffer. 37 、少吃简单消,多吃必糟糕。 Eat less, eat more, eat worse. 38 、饮食讲科学,金秋好生活。
Food is scientific and golden autumn is a good life. 39 、要想人长寿,多吃豆腐少吃肉。
If you want to live a long life, eat more tofu and less meat.
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40 、柿子开花吃枇杷,枇杷开花吃柿子。 Persimmon persimmon.
41 、粥里加白菜,多食不衰弱。
Porridge with Chinese cabbage, eat more than weak. 42 、少吃多得味,多吃伤脾胃。
Eat less, eat more and hurt the spleen and stomach. 43 、晚饭宜平淡,益身防早衰。
Dinner should be light and healthy to prevent premature senility.
eat loquat, loquat blossoms
44 、饭前一口汤,赛过良药方。
A soup before a meal is better than a good prescription. 45 、干活仔细,吃喝小心。
Work carefully, eat and drink carefully. 46 、少吃荤腥多吃斋,没有医生开药铺。
Eat less meat, eat more vegetarian, no doctor prescribed medicine.
47 、朝食三片姜,赛过人参汤。
Three pieces of ginger are better than ginseng soup. 48 、朝食三片姜,胜喝人参汤。
Three pieces of ginger are better than ginseng soup. 49 、饭后喝汤,越长越胖。
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The longer you drink soup after meals, the fatter you get.
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