专利名称:Cryogenic air separation发明人:Mostello, Robert A.申请号:EP94306004.6申请日:19940815公开号:EP0644388A1公开日:19950322
摘要:A low temperature rectification process and apparatus in which a compressedgaseous mixture, for instance air, is rectified to produce oxygen in liquid form which isthen pumped by pump 96 to a delivery pressure. The thus pressurised oxygen isvaporised within a main heat exchanger 24. In order to effect the vaporization, a stream
20 of high pressure air flows through the main heat exchanger 24 countercurrently to theoxygen stream. In order to minimize thermodynamic irreversibility within the main heatexchanger 24 above a pinch point temperature thereof, a portion of the high pressure airstream is removed from the main heat exchanger at or near the pinch point temperatureand is further compressed in a compressor 34 and reintroduced into the main heatexchanger 24 at a temperature higher than that at which the pinch point occurs. Eitherthe balance of the high pressure air stream or another flow of compressed air is removedfrom the main heat exchanger 24 and is cooled to a temperature suitable for its
rectification in expansion turbine 38. Such removal reduces thermodynamic irreversibilitywithin the main heat exchanger below the pinch point temperature.
地址:575 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 US
代理机构:Wickham, Michael