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  Winter report, cold wind blowing. Wanton cold, sword like sharp, allpervasive. We throw away our fatigue, emancipate our minds, open our hearts,enjoy the world of children, enjoy the wonders of mountains and rivers, and drawthe essence of sun and moon.

  At this time, we are in the car, crawling on the silver snake like road,driving to the watershed between Inner Mongolia and Songliao Plain -Daxinganling.

  The sound of stumbling along the way accompanied us to the Great Xing'anMountains. The temperature in Daxinganling is - 2.8 ℃, which is quite differentfrom that in Shenzhen. Living in Shenzhen for a long time, I can't stand thisvicious cold devil. Although it's cold, the scenery here is beautiful.

  Standing on the mountain, looking into the distance, the trees are linedwith Qionghua, the trees are cold, the trees are full of jade, the branches arefull of snow. Rows of pines and cypresses seem to be coated with white frost,covered with snowflakes, snow embroidered lace natural and unrestrained, whitefringes picturesque. Every row of pines and cypresses is so white, the color isso gorgeous, sometimes it looks like purple, sometimes it looks like dark blue,with the change of the natural scenery, the natural beauty is fullydisplayed.

  In winter, the snow mountains in Daxinganling are even more beautiful. Theyare undulating, various in shape, steep and dangerous, which makes people awe atthe sight; they are undulating, winding, and magnificent; they are graceful,rising and towering, like "my fair lady".

  The cottages on the snow mountain are dotted with black and white, and thecolor of each cottage is uniform black, full of peculiar style. From a distance,it looks like a black star on the snow mountain. Hiding in the snow, we playhide and seek with us, which makes us feel that this small village is so simpleand pure.

  Taoyuan Lake in Daxinganling is surrounded by mountains and covered withice. It is a good place to enjoy the snow and skate. It is equipped with sledsand horse ploughs. Someone can go to the ice and snow to play, want to skate allday just as you want.

  At the end of the journey, the cold wind rolled the thin smoke, andhesitated in the chilly mist. I walked on the soft and steady snow, bringingback my good mood, good memory, and the moonlight all the way.
