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造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、May sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.(吸入及皮肤接触可能致敏。)

2、The skin sensitization of the new material was not apparent.(皮肤致敏试验显示该材料无明显致敏性。)

3、Two people had about going to the department stores, but Mr. Suddenly, something hen sensitization bead one first to department stores.(两人本来约好一起去百货店,但是贤宇突然有事情让敏珠一个人先到百货店。)

4、Cytotoxic t cells, after sensitization by antigen, are effector cells, especially important in antiviral immunity.(已被抗原致敏的细胞毒性T细胞是效应细胞,在抗病毒免疫中起到特别重要的作用。)

5、Death is not terrible show of sensitization, but only played over and over again every day scenes of life.(死亡对敏秀来说并不可怕,不过只是每天反复上演的生活场景。)

6、May cause sensitization by inhalation.(吸入可能引起过敏;)

7、Under the conditions of widespread research on sensitization means, it break through traditional methods at home and abroad.(在广泛研究敏化手段情况下,它是对国内外传统方法的突破。)

8、Many activities of sensitization on the IP role, training and capacity building were held throughout the country.(在该国全国进行了许多宣传知识产权作用、培训和能力建设方面的活动。)

9、The sulfur plus gold sensitization causes the photosensitivity of this nanoparticle AgBrI emulsion to rise.(对纳米粒子乳剂进行硫—金协同敏化可以提高其感光度。)

10、Objective To determine the sensitization of Nicotinamide (na) on None Focused Ultrasound (NFU) on GLC-82 cells in vitro.(目的研究烟酰胺对非聚焦超声杀伤培养的GLC-82肺腺癌细胞的增敏作用。)

11、When the CNS is involved, the condition is termed central sensitization.(这种有中枢神经系统参与的情况,称为中枢敏感化。)

12、The sensitization of aluminum was verified.(证实了铝粉的敏化作用。)

13、Both doping and quantum dot sensitization extend the visible light absorption of the metal oxide materials.(掺杂和量子点敏化都增强了金属氧化物材料对可见光的吸收。)

14、sensitization and education of health and other service providers is therefore another important strategy.(使卫生及其他服务提供者对此保持敏感性并对其开展教育也因此成为另一项重要策略。)

15、Continuous application may lead to sensitization.(连续用药可导致敏化作用。)

16、Vision is resulted in the reaction of visual purple that is a pigment of sensitization.(视觉的产生是感光色素——视紫红质发生光化学反应的结果。)

17、Continuous application of this drug may lead to sensitization.(连续用此药可导致敏化作用。)

18、May cause sensitization by skin contact.(与皮肤接触可能致敏。)

19、Also to avoid sensitization, blood should not be donated by the child's family.(同时,为了避免致敏,也不要采用小孩家人所捐的血液。)

20、sensitization to severe dengue illness through pre-existing immunity is a serious safety concern for vaccination.(免疫接种时的一个严重的安全性问题是由于先前已经存在的免疫性而触发严重登革热。)

21、may cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.(吸入和皮肤接触可能引起过敏。)

22、The hydrogen peroxide and the oxygen free grave have the intense sensitization, the damage organization.(过氧化氢和氧自由墓具有强烈敏化作用,损伤组织。)

23、Their current focus is to what extent nerve sensitization correlates with the severity of symptoms.(他们目前的焦点在于肠神经致敏与严重的症状之间到底有多大关系。)

24、Hence, islet transplant recipients are at risk of sensitization after transplantation.(因此,胰岛的受者移植后有致敏的高危因素存在。)

25、Each eye has a light gathering system and a sensitization system.(每一个小眼都有一套集光系统和感光系统。)

26、Such sensitization has been observed in the course of sequential dengue epidemics by different virus strains in Cuba.(在古巴,不同病毒株引起的一系列登革热流行过程中已经观察到这种致敏作用。)

27、Skin allergic reaction test for 19 skin lotion products showed very slight sensitization.(皮肤变态反应试验的19份皮肤洗液产品均呈极轻致敏性。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


