造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The influence to convergent speed and recognition accuracy of both concealed layer node count and the learning rate is considered.(考察了隐层节点数对网络收敛速度、识别正确率的影响以及学习率对收敛速度的影响,改进了网络训练算法。)
2、The algorithm is two-order convergent, Whose validity is confirmed by effect of the image separation test.(该算法具有二阶收敛性,其有效性为文中展示的图像分离测试效果所证实。)
3、The algorithm is global convergent under mild conditions.(在适当的假设下,算法是全局收敛的。)
4、Another approach to questioning asks if they require convergent or divergent answers.(提问的另外一种方式,就是询问是需要聚合型还是发散型答案。)
5、If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent.(如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。)
6、However, from a consistency perspective, only convergent consistency is given.(但是,从一致性方面来看,只提供收敛一致性。)
7、The jaws should be slightly and homogeneously convergent.(颌部应该稍微收敛和均匀。)
8、For example, terminology can be seen to be convergent — fewer and fewer new business definitions are being identified across additional domains.(例如,术语开始收敛了——跨新领域识别出的新术语越来越少了。)
9、Put forward a new convergent criterion, so it can avoid immaturity convergence.(提出了一种新的收敛判据,避免了未成熟收敛。)
10、The plate convergent margin is the most important gold mineralisation zone.(汇聚板块边缘是全球最重要的金矿成矿带。)
11、In the case of negative stiffness, the method is convergent and conditionally stable.(在负刚度条件下,该法是收敛的和条件稳定的。)
12、convergent questions have one correct answer.(聚合型问题只有一个正确答案。)
13、The following may be a bit hyperbolic, but follow me: The iPad is the world’s first truly convergent TV/computer.(接下来要说的或许有点夸张,但请接着听我说:iPad是世界上第一个真正集电视与电脑于一体的产品。)
14、One set of labels in common use is: convergent, divergent, assimilating, and accommodating.(通常使用的一套标签是:汇聚型、发散型、吸收型、容纳型。)
15、The examples of 9 nodes system from IEEE show that the model is correct and the algorithm is convergent and effective.(引用IEEE中9节点算例表明该模型是正确的,该算法是收敛、有效的。)
16、If systems have the sole solution, this iterative method is unconditionally convergent.(只要方程组存在唯一解,这种迭代方法便是无条件收敛的。)
17、The convergent performance of the algorithm is studied.(文中研究了该算法的收敛性能。)
18、In this program, the optimization method of "Conjugate Gradient-Least Squares" is employed, since it usually gives good convergent results.(程序中采用了“共轭梯度——最小二乘”优化方法,其收敛性能较好,在较坏的初值情况下也能较快收敛。)
19、The model test showed that forward modified method is more accurate, stably convergent and practical method.(模型试验表明,正演修正方法是一种稳定收敛和实用的方法。)
20、Different modes of the corporate governance are permeating each other and demonstrating the convergent inclination.(不同的公司治理模式正在相互渗透、相互交融,呈现出趋同化的倾向。)
21、Theorem 1 (Uniqueness of Limit) If the sequence is convergent, then its limit is unique.(定理1(极限的唯一性)如果数列收敛,那么它的极限唯一。)
22、The test shows that this method is well convergent.(解析解的检验表明,该方法是收敛的。)
23、Experiments show that the algorithm is convergent.(实验证实,该算法是收敛的。)
24、Its convergent condition is relaxed compared with the classical theorem on the same field.(与以往的同一领域的经典定理相比,它的收敛性条件是宽松的。)
25、Both we and ASDI were aware that document review cycles frequently become endless and circular rather than focused and convergent.(我们与ASDI都明白文档频繁的检查周期会导致无止境的循环下去。)
26、The integration of 3g services requirements BOSS billing system must implement convergent billing.(3g业务的融合性要求BOSS计费系统必须实现融合计费。)
27、The model test showed that the method is more accurate, stably convergent and practical method.(模型试验表明该方法是一种较为精确、稳定收敛和实用的方法。)
28、the results indicate incidence laser intensity and plasma background density are important factors affecting convergent intensity.(计算结果表明:入射激光强度、入射激光波长及等离子体背景密度是影响会聚强度的重要因素。)
29、By choosing suitable parameters, several new and convergent series are obtained.(适当选取参数,得出了几个新的收敛级数。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。