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2022-05-04 来源:画鸵萌宠网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The water would be reused to irrigate crops.(回用水可以用来进行农田灌溉。)

2、It shows when the four seasons come and end, when to sow seeds and irrigate and other matters related to farming.(它展示着四季更替,提醒农人播种以及其他农务的时间。)

3、While this source of water is untreated, it's a cost-conscious way to flood-irrigate trees and small crops on residential acreage.(虽然这种未经处理的水源,这是一个成本意识的方式防洪灌溉树木和住宅面积小作物。)

4、The stored water is used during the dry season to irrigate crops and water livestock.(旱季期间,可以使用蓄的水灌溉庄稼,供家畜饮用。)

5、They depend on it for part of their water supply - both to drink and to irrigate their small, terraced parcels of land.(他们的部分饮用水来自这座山,同时这些水还浇灌着他们小小的一块块的梯田。)

6、Retirees from Rainier climes irrigate green lawns that impersonate the grasslands they left behind.(雷尼尔山的退休人员在退休后模仿他们工作过的草地在自家造了绿色草坪并直接用水灌溉草坪。)

7、Become a master gardener in Blossom, the Puzzle game that challenges you to irrigate your way to a bright, happy garden!(成为一朵花,在益智游戏,挑战你来灌溉你的路,迈向光明,快乐园总体园丁!)

8、Water in reservoirs behind dams, plus the water used to irrigate nearby land puts more moisture in the air, which falls as precipitation.(大坝后面水库中的储水,加上用来灌溉土地的水,会增加附近地区的潮湿度,使降水量提高。)

9、He adds that farmers, the majority of whom are women, need educating on new technologies, such as how to conserve water and better irrigate land.(埃文思还说道,农民们——其中大多数为妇女——需要新技术培训,如蓄水和更好的农田灌溉方式。)

10、The pipes, buried underground to avoid loss to evaporation, would irrigate fields of Eucalyptus grandis.(输水管道将被深埋地下以避免水分蒸发,输送至沙漠的水则被用来培植广林尾巨桉。)

11、In the long term, we won't be able to irrigate huge regions of farmland if we don't have the water to begin with.(从长远角度看,如果不从治水着手,我们就不会有水来灌溉大面积的农田。)

12、The idea being that the tree needs the same total vein diameter from top to bottom to properly irrigate the leaves.(他们认为,树木将水分输送至叶片的整个过程中,具备的总叶脉直径应当是相同的。)

13、The lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to irrigate the surface.(这些管道被认为是用来灌溉地表的运河系统。)

14、Poisons from the mines are also killing the village's economy, which depends on clean water to irrigate its crops, says Mr He.(老何说因为村庄需要干净的水来灌溉农田,所以从矿场那过来污染物也让村里的经济受到破坏。)

15、For centuries, the population has depended on meltwater from the glaciers of the high mountains to irrigate their farmland.(几个世纪以来,这里的人们依靠来自高山上冰川的融水灌溉农田。)

16、Farmers in the Indian state of Punjab, traditionally wheat and rice growers, have long relied on groundwater to irrigate their crops.(旁遮普邦的印度农民传统上种植小麦和水稻,他们长期以来依靠地下水灌溉庄稼。)

17、None of the water from Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area.(鲍威尔湖的水没有被用来灌溉这一地区。)

18、However, with 60 golf courses found across the city, 40 million tons of groundwater are pumped up and used to irrigate the greens.(然而,整坐城市发现了60个高尔夫球场,4千万吨地下水被抽上来浇灌草地。)

19、He wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.(他想用该水来灌溉贫瘠的沙漠土地。)

20、Increasing demands for water, in particular to irrigate the rice crop, have led to greater dependence on tube Wells.(不断增加的对水的需求,特别是水稻灌溉,进一步加强了对管井的依赖。)

21、How many tears of love needs to irrigate, can grow into healthy forest.(爱情需要多少泪水来浇灌,才能长成茁壮的森林。)

22、As a kid in 1981, Ostwal would watch his one-legged grandfather make the one-mile trek out to his fields to irrigate his land.(在1981年,还是个孩子的Ostwal就看着他只有一条腿的祖父徒步1里到他的农田里灌溉。)

23、They set to work and drilled enough pump wells to irrigate more land.(他们开始大干起来,打了足够的水泵井来灌溉更多的土地。)

24、these floods have been very useful because they irrigate the nile delta and deposit a rich layer of topsoil used for growing crops.(这些洪水一直非常有用,因为它们灌溉着尼罗河三角洲,沉积下厚厚的一层表土,可以用来种庄稼。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


