造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、A franchisee may not divulge the business secret of the franchiser to which it has accessed to anyone else or allow anyone else to use it.(被特许人不得向他人泄露或者允许他人使用其所掌握的特许人的商业秘密。)
2、Welcome ole and new customers come to discuss business, obtain samples and sample processing. Recruitment of the company throughout the franchiser to divelop the market.(欢迎广大新老客户来样加工、批量定做各种特殊式样,诚邀各市地经销商加盟,共创辉煌!)
3、What procedures shall be handled if we become the local franchiser of Green Force Enviromental Protection Technology Company Limited?(绿动环保如果我做了你们的加盟总经销商,要在当地办理什么手续?)
4、An initial fee is payable to the franchiser.(应该付给经销商一笔先期费用。)
5、We have provided allround consulting services on franchiser management for many domestic big and medium-sized consumable manufacturing enterprises.(为国内多家大中型消费品生产企业提供了多项经销商管理咨询服务。)
6、Beside financial aid and advice, the franchiser gives a new franchisee training in how to run a business.(除了财政援助和忠告之外,特许经营者会为新的经营者提供一个商务经营的培训。)
7、When the franchiser and the franchisee renew the franchise contract, the preceding paragraph may not apply.(特许人和被特许人续签特许经营合同的,不适用前款规定。)
8、Article 17 an overseas franchiser shall follow these Measures to conduct franchise activities within the territory of China.(第十七条境外特许人在中国境内从事特许经营活动,按照本办法执行。)
9、Where a franchiser conducts frauds or misleading by making use of advertisements, it shall be punished in accordance with the related provisions in the Advertising Law.(特许人利用广告实施欺骗、误导行为的,依照广告法的有关规定予以处罚。)
10、Article 18 a franchisee may not transfer the franchise to anyone else without consent of the franchiser.(第十八条未经特许人同意,被特许人不得向他人转让特许经营权。)
11、Where the documents or materials reported by the franchiser are incomplete, the Commerce Department may require the franchiser to supplement related documents or materials within 7 days.(特许人提交的文件、资料不完备的,商务主管部门可以要求其在7日内补充提交文件、资料。)
12、If consumers intend to buy the quilt, they must pay 50,000 yuan front money and the franchiser will arrange consumers to pick up the goods in Changsha, Hunan province.(如果有人想购买,必须先交5万元订金,由经销商安排到长沙总部去看实物提货。)
13、No franchiser may undertake illegal pyramid selling activities in the name of franchising.(特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。)
14、Where the product or service for franchise cannot be dealt in until it is approved, the franchiser shall also submit a related approval document.(特许经营的产品或者服务,依法应当经批准方可经营的,特许人还应当提交有关批准文件。)
15、If the franchiser requires franchisee to sign with the franchiser (or the associated company) other franchise contracts, this type of sample contract shall be provided at the same time.(如果特许人要求被特许人与特许人(或关联公司)签订其它有关特许经营的合同,应当同时提供此类合同样本。)
16、Article 11 For engaging in franchise activities, the franchiser and the franchisee shall conclude a written franchise contract.(第十一条从事特许经营活动,特许人和被特许人应当采用书面形式订立特许经营合同。)
17、With a sound export process system, Progres will surply best service to every franchiser coming from all over the world.(在一套完善的出口流程制度下,Progres人热诚为世界各地的经销商服务。)
18、When a broker decides to go with a real estate franchise, it's normally for the instant brand recognition, immediate structure, training and ongoing support that the franchiser provides.(当经纪人决定去与房地产特许经营,通常它的即时品牌知名度,立即组织,训练和持续的支持,即经销商提供。)
19、Where any significant change has occurred to the information provided by a franchiser to any of its franchisees, the franchiser shall timely notify it to the franchisee.(特许人向被特许人提供的信息发生重大变更的,应当及时通知被特许人。)
20、article 17 the promotion and publicity expenses as collected by a franchiser from a franchisee shall be used for the purposes as agreed upon in the contract.(第十七条特许人向被特许人收取的推广、宣传费用,应当按照合同约定的用途使用。)
21、Whether the franchisee must purchase products, services or equipment from the franchiser (or its associated company), as well as the prices and conditions.(被特许人是否必须从特许人(或其关联公司)处购买产品、服务或设备及相关的价格、条件等。)
22、Whether the franchisee must purchase products, services or equipment from the suppliers appointed or approved by the franchiser.(被特许人是否必须从特许人指定(或批准)的供应商处购买产品、服务或设备。)
23、What shall we do when the price is consulted if we become the local franchiser of Green Force Enviromental Protection Technology Company Limited?(绿动环保如果我做了你们的加盟总经销,我们当地有人咨询价格怎么办?)
24、The franchiser has to be reviewed, especially on the quality of its products and financial strength.(许多加盟商都必须考虑,尤其是在产品的是否质量信誉和是否有足够多的资金。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。