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1. 这场给人类带来巨大灾难的战争对这样一个诗人产生了什么影响呢?(impact on)

How did the war which brought terrible disasters to mankind impact on such a poet?

2. 做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所宠爱的孩子们的过错,这样做的结果会使孩子们再次犯同样的过错。(be blind to)

Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children, which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.

3. 作为一个在这个完全陌生国度的新移民(immigrant),她总是感觉到孤立无援。(isolate)

As an new immigrant in this completely strange country, she always felt isolated.

4. 做事不先考虑周全常会导致失败,因此我们应该三思而后行。(result in, act before thinking)

Acting before thinking often result in failure, so we should think before we leap.

5. 奢谈的时候已经过去了,我们必须积极行动起来保护我们的环境。(take ... action)

The time for talking is past, we must take positive action to protect our


1. Look at the relationship between the tree and its environment and you will see the future of the tree.

Quit smoking now and you will be healthier.


Take two pills each time and three times a day and you will be will in a few days.

2. Once we reach the point of no return, there will be nothing left for future generations.

Once the situation reaches the point of no return, a crisis is inevitable in the near future.


Once water shortage reaches the point of no return, there will be nothing

left to be done but abandon the city.

3. Too many of us just sit back and say “I’ll let the experts deal with it.”

We can’t just sit back and pretend it’s none of our business.


We can’t just sit back and do nothing about increasingly serious traffic problems

1. 年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。(communicate with)

The young sometimes complain that they hardly communicate with their parents.

2. 她从小就盼望着能在中国的一个村庄住上几年,现在她终于梦想成真了。(take up residence)

She has been longing to take up residence in a Chinese village for a few years, now her dream has come true.

3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难在野外继续生存。(survive)

Domestic animals are used to depend on humans ,so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.

4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。(overtake)

He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of the bad economy.

5. 我想他很快就会回来,因为他答应和我一起吃晚饭。(figure)

I figure he’ll come back soon since he promised to have dinner with me.

1. 记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释。(to press for)

Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack

2. 他的竞选运动未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。(to convince )

His election campaign failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the Senator

3. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决。(while)

While I admit that there are problems ,I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.

4. 他在电视上的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。(impression)

His first speech on the TV made a deep impression on his audience.

5. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。(to interact with)

All things are interrelated and interact with each other.

1. They might have thought him slow, but there was something else evident.

You might have thought plastic bags convenient, but they can result in serious pollution.


She might have thought that history was just boring names and dates, but Professor Yi’s lectures completely changed her view.

2. All he could do was stare with questioning eyes.

All the doctors could do is ease his pain, without an effective cure for his



After the plane crash, all the survivors could do was wait for rescue on this desert island.

3. Hermann Einstein brought Albert a device that did stir his intellect.

The Nobel Prize winner made a speech that did stir our students’ interest in science.

4. The invisible force was evidence to Albert that there was more to our world

that meets the eye.

The strange radio signals from space were evidence to scientists that life might exist in outer space.


The DNA test result was evidence to the police that the murderer was someone else.

5. The judge was convinced that she had nothing to do with the murder.

Darwin was convinced that the theory of evolution is based on natural selection

1. 大会报告人原来是我的一位老朋友的女儿。(turn out)

The lecturer at the conference turned out to be the daughter of an old friend of mime

2. 尽管他已经退休5年了,但他在学术界仍然很活跃。(remain active in)

It has been 5 years since his retirement, but he remains active in the academic circles.

3. 如果确实在经济上有困难,你可以申请助学金。(to apply for)

If you do have financial difficulties ,you can apply for a student loan.

4. 这位科学家研制这种新材料达10年之久才有了突破。(to make one's own way)

This scientist had worked hard at this new material for 10 years before he made his way in the end.

5. 世界上主要的几家飞机制造公司正竭力制造飞得更快,更远的飞机,以争得更大的市场。(push the envelope)

The chief airplane manufacturers in the world are pushing the envelope to make faster and longer range airplanes to compete for the market.

1. 思想是通过语言来表达的。(by means of)

Thoughts are expressed by means of laugage.

2. 我今年买的新书多得难以数清。(keep count of)

I have bought so many books that it’s really difficult for me to keep count of them.

3. 这位老太太确信今天她儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日的。(feel assured)

This old lady feels assured that her son will come back to celebrate her birthday

4. 他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过一百元。(exceed)

His mother insisted that his pocket money shouldn’t exceed 100yuan per .

5. 上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的。(register)

We bought a car last month, which is registered under my name.

1. 伟人能以人格的力量来控制他人。(dominate)

The great man can dominate others by force of character.

2. 根据最新报道,中国旅游者去一些东南亚国家旅游无需再申请入境签证。(according to)

According to the latest report, the Chinese tourists don’t need to apply for an entry visa to…

3. 从信封的颜色来看,这封信可能来自一位女性。(suggest)

The color of the envelope suggests that it might be from a woman.

4. 虽然火车的速度比不上飞机,很多人还是愿意坐火车。(rival)

Trains can’t rival planes for speed, but many people prefer to …

5. 一旦人们看到这种管理模式确实有效,就更有可能接受它。(be likely to do)

People are much more likely to accept this administration mode once they see that it really works.

1.American mothers have long believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap

We all know when it comes to sending a message fast and at low cost,

nothing beats e-mail.


For most American teenagers, when it comes to comfortable and fashionable clothing, nothing beats T-shirts and jeans.

2.People were told that Ivory was “so pure that it floats,” and the notion took hold.


Starting in 2004, Addidas widely promoted that “Impossible is nothing,” and the notion took hold.

3. So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that

their numbers beat the imagination.

The music band started only two years ago, but their popularity in Europe

beats the imagination.


When the news was first released online, the number of its viewers beat the imagination.

4. The company’s big break came with the introduction of its floating soap.

The writer’s big break came with the publication of his third novel.


The girl’s big break came with her outstanding performance at the singing contest.

5. Mothers tend to frown on the practice.

Board members tend to frown on the cut of the annual bonus.


In many European countries people tend to frown on smoking in public

