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摘要1、海边有风浪,心中有“晴天”。There are wind and waves in the sea and "sunny days" in our hearts.2、今天的记忆,是带着海水的味道。Today's memory is with the taste of sea water.3、往心里装一片大海,再装一些少女心和爱。Put a sea in our hearts, and then put some girls' hearts and love.4、气象台建议:今日宜看海,拍照,说爱你。Weather station advice: today is suitable for watching the sea, taking photos, saying love you.5、浩瀚星空,余晖落日,海浪和沙。Vast starry sky, afterglow, sunset, waves and sand.6、自带滤镜的美,海是可触碰的蓝天。Beauty with filter: the sea is the blue sky that can be touched.7、沙滩上每个脚印都还给海浪,卷走日光带不走的美好。Every footprints on the beach return to the waves, take away the beautiful sunshine can not take away.8、温柔慵懒的海风。Gentle and lazy sea breeze.9、想和你一起看海,也想和海一起看你。I want to see the sea with you, and I also want to see you with the sea.10、拍下我和你看着夕阳的地方,为了留住你的眺望。Take pictures of me and you looking at the sunset, in order to retain your view.11、星河闪烁,海岸辽阔。The Star River twinkles, the coast is vast.12、一起看海的人,会比较难忘。People who watch咨询记录 · 回答于2021-07-09青岛第一海水浴场发朋友圈配什么文字?1、海边有风浪,心中有“晴天”。There are wind and waves in the sea and "sunny days" in our hearts.2、今天的记忆,是带着海水的味道。Today's memory is with the taste of sea water.3、往心里装一片大海,再装一些少女心和爱。Put a sea in our hearts, and then put some girls' hearts and love.4、气象台建议:今日宜看海,拍照,说爱你。Weather station advice: today is suitable for watching the sea, taking photos, saying love you.5、浩瀚星空,余晖落日,海浪和沙。Vast starry sky, afterglow, sunset, waves and sand.6、自带滤镜的美,海是可触碰的蓝天。Beauty with filter: the sea is the blue sky that can be touched.7、沙滩上每个脚印都还给海浪,卷走日光带不走的美好。Every footprints on the beach return to the waves, take away the beautiful sunshine can not take away.8、温柔慵懒的海风。Gentle and lazy sea breeze.9、想和你一起看海,也想和海一起看你。I want to see the sea with you, and I also want to see you with the sea.10、拍下我和你看着夕阳的地方,为了留住你的眺望。Take pictures of me and you looking at the sunset, in order to retain your view.11、星河闪烁,海岸辽阔。The Star River twinkles, the coast is vast.12、一起看海的人,会比较难忘。People who watch
