2:解压,然后打开解压后的文件夹 在这个目录下面打开终端
3:./configure --prefix=/home/t../software(这个路径就是你想把你的netcdf安装的位置)
4:sudo apt install netcdf-bin
6:测试 在终端输入ncmp
ncmp [-c|-h] [-v ...] [[-b|-f] [c|f]] [-l len] [-n name] [-p n[,n]] [-k] [-x] [-s] [-t|-i] [-g ...] [-w] file
[-c] Coordinate variable data and header information
[-h] Header information only, no data
[-v var1[,...]] Data for variable(s) <var1>,... only
[-b [c|f]] Brief annotations for C or Fortran indices in data
[-f [c|f]] Full annotations for C or Fortran indices in data
[-l len] Line length maximum in data section (default 80)
[-n name] Name for netCDF (default derived from file name)
[-p n[,n]] Display floating-point values with less precision
[-k] Output kind of netCDF file
[-s] Output special (virtual) attributes
[-t] Output time data as date-time strings
[-i] Output time data as date-time strings with ISO-8601 'T' separator
[-g grp1[,...]] Data and metadata for group(s) <grp1>,... only
[-w] With client-side caching of variables for DAP URLs
[-x] Output XML (NcML) instead of CDL
file Name of netCDF file (or URL if DAP access enabled)
netcdf library version 4.4.0 of Mar 29 2016 11:41:40 $