by the window 在窗户旁,在窗边Stars by the Window窗边的星星sit by the window坐在窗户旁边You can take that one by the window.你可以坐在窗边的那张。What about standing by the window?站在窗子那儿怎么样?The machine stood just by the window.这台机器正靠近窗户。Would you like a table by the window?您想要一个靠窗的桌子吗?at the window: 在窗子边 I At The Window我在窗前You At The Window你在窗前Looked At The Window看着窗景tap at the window敲窗户At The Next Window就在隔壁窗口Howling At The Window敲打着窗户He hears a noise at the window.他听见了窗外的嘈杂声。The fan at the window made a small whispering roar .窗上的通风机发出了耳语般轻微的嗡嗡声。A movement in the crowd brought him to a standstill at the window.外面的人群*动了一下,引得他在窗口一动也不动站着。其实差别不大的