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Studies like 逆水行舟, does not enter draws back, everybody isfamiliar-sounding can detailed As the name suggests, line to watersurface ships, where no matter navigates, when navigates, the generalmeeting meets the reversion the current of water, this time, certainlymust do utmost to the front pole, cannot slacken off, once does notmake an effort perhaps makes an effort excessively slightly, the shipnot only cannot go forward, instead can back up, finally inevitablecan is flushed the zero point The good boat so, we study also are so,in the study difficult there is no place in, does not have time doesnot have If we do not welcome difficultly on, can get rid by theoutside The victor, for wins step by step, defeated, then then doesnot draw back
Some story said that, peasant family juniors intelligent are sincechildhood excellent, five years old then can write meet the poem Thepeople for are greatly surprised, he has become the recognition childprodigy Every day invites the person which he sojourns to becontinuous, in order to demands its poetic composition, and presentsas a gift it to the red package to take the reward The corrupt smalladvantage, the non- foresight father then satisfies this, but end itsstudy From now on, the father will get the child prodigy to visit themanner to write poetry receives in exchange for the wealth Graally,the child prodigy has leaned its all, exhausts one's creative vein,latter degenerates into the mediocre average person
Will be obtains this story from the middle school language textbookWang Anshi's center, the Children is the story leading character,Fang Zhongyong Regarding this article, our somewhat someunderstandings Zhong's forever will encounter us also not to be ablelong ago to feel because of the age strangely Because of in modernpeople's study, the life, in the work, in you, on my body isperforming same, even if we very early on obtain a lesson from childprodigy there, studies like 逆水行舟, does not enter draws back
That was any lets us still ignore facing the known this kind ofcondition, ignores Actually the majority of reasons source to studiesto us, the life, the work arrogants and complacent, lazily idlesmanner 孰 did not know that, only has the unremitting endeavor whichperseveres to be able to cause boat of the against the current only toenter does not draw back But similarly stemmed from Song Dynastyliterary giant Wang Anshi's You Baoshan shan Jijiu fully to confirmthis point:
With friend You Cishan he, starts to have mind filled with theconfidence, because on the way the mountain road was actually rugged,climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly but slowly wears downhim to persist the will, made him give up halfway, the end has notbeen able to experience to the dangerous distant place grand marveloussight He leaves behind this travel notes, warns the posterity withown experience, any matter light depends on the full of enthusiasm andthe idle talk determination is cannot accomplish, true need line ofWan Lilu, rushes ten thousand passes practical actions, the study isneeds a step of footprint to be steadfast study, today the mattertomorrow will finish, today study tired tomorrow has wanted to giveup, this kind three days will hit the fishing two days to expose tothe sun the net road of the study, the result is lets you haveachieved nothing, unsuccessfully even will force you to return to donot have a thing in the world
Certainly, puts aside above these is negative, the reverse side, aboutthe instance which draws back, but also has more people and thematter, presses forward in the face of difficulties, the positiveadvance fact lets us be moved, is worth us studying the model
First speaks of great inventor Edison Speaking of him, nearly isnobody did not know 无人不晓 From the electric lamp bulb to thephonograph, these his wisdom crystallization, has had the profoundinfluence to the human society He progresses to the humanity makesthe so significant contribution to depend on merely is theseinventions? Indeed is not, the innumerable defeats innumerablerepetitions experiment also has again fights on despite repeatedsetbacks never the word abandoned firm faith These all are theessential item which he succeeds
Now returns the age which oneself lives, carefully has a look Thesimilar example quite are also many, the list from usually us fromsome magazine news understood to the matter said, we often can read:Someone the entertainment or the sports from all walks of life starcelebrity want 暂别 respective enterprise circle But also choosesreturns to the long separated already long campus, continues to pursueadvanced studies, to go abroad to study and so on the so fortharticle, actually, does not lack the enterprise the jorum which is inthe prosperous time Why doesn't need them which studies again to beable as if resolutely to lay down at present all, the re-entryclassroom, ascends the textbook again? This is because they supposedown limited knowledge could not have met the work needs, cannot followsocial the step, only has continuously enriches oneself can create atthe enterprise a mountain peak, but they had more importantly fullyrealized study like 逆水行舟 does not enter draws back Thiscompared to obtains any success all to have the value, is morecommendable
(有些译不出,献丑了!呼……)Studies like , does not enter draws back, everybody isfamiliar-sounding can detailed As the name suggests, line to watersurface ships, where no matter navigates, when navigates, the generalmeeting meets the reversion the current of water, this time, certainlymust do utmost to the front pole, cannot slacken off, once does notmake an effort perhaps makes an effort excessively slightly, the shipnot only cannot go forward, instead can back up, finally inevitablecan is flushed the zero point The good boat so, we study also are so,in the study difficult there is no place in, does not have time doesnot have If we do not welcome difficultly on, can get rid by theoutside The victor, for wins step by step, defeated, then then doesnot draw back
Some story said that, peasant family juniors intelligent are sincechildhood excellent, five years old then can write meet the poem Thepeople for are greatly surprised, he has become the recognition childprodigy Every day invites the person which he sojourns to becontinuous, in order to demands its poetic composition, and presentsas a gift it to the red package to take the reward The corrupt smalladvantage, the non- foresight father then satisfies this, but end itsstudy From now on, the father will get the child prodigy to visit themanner to write poetry receives in exchange for the wealth Graally,the child prodigy has leaned its all, exhausts one's creative vein,latter degenerates into the mediocre average person
Will be obtains this story from the middle school language textbookWang Anshi's center, the Children is the story leading character,Fang Zhongyong Regarding this article, our somewhat someunderstandings Zhong's forever will encounter us also not to be ablelong ago to feel because of the age strangely Because of in modernpeople's study, the life, in the work, in you, on my body isperforming same, even if we very early on obtain a lesson from childprodigy there, studies like, does not enter draws back
That was any lets us still ignore facing the known this kind ofcondition, ignores Actually the majority of reasons source to studiesto us, the life, the work arrogants and complacent, lazily idlesmanner did not know that, only has the unremitting endeavor whichperseveres to be able to cause boat of the against the current only toenter does not draw back But similarly stemmed from Song Dynastyliterary giant Wang Anshi's You Baoshan shan Jijiu fully to confirmthis point:
With friend You Cishan he, starts to have mind filled with theconfidence, because on the way the mountain road was actually rugged,climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly but slowly wears downhim to persist the will, made him give up halfway, the end has notbeen able to experience to the dangerous distant place grand marveloussight He leaves behind this travel notes, warns the posterity withown experience, any matter light depends on the full of enthusiasm andthe idle talk determination is cannot accomplish, true need line ofWan Lilu, rushes ten thousand passes practical actions, the study isneeds a step of footprint to be steadfast study, today the mattertomorrow will finish, today study tired tomorrow has wanted to giveup, this kind three days will hit the fishing two days to expose tothe sun the net road of the study, the result is lets you haveachieved nothing, unsuccessfully even will force you to return to donot have a thing in the world
Certainly, puts aside above these is negative, the reverse side, aboutthe instance which draws back, but also has more people and thematter, presses forward in the face of difficulties, the positiveadvance fact lets us be moved, is worth us studying the model
First speaks of great inventor Edison Speaking of him, nearly isnobody did not know From the electric lamp bulb to thephonograph, these his wisdom crystallization, has had the profoundinfluence to the human society He progresses to the humanity makesthe so significant contribution to depend on merely is theseinventions? Indeed is not, the innumerable defeats innumerablerepetitions experiment also has again fights on despite repeatedsetbacks never the word abandoned firm faith These all are theessential item which he succeeds
Now returns the age which oneself lives, carefully has a look Thesimilar example quite are also many, the list from usually us fromsome magazine news understood to the matter said, we often can read:Someone the entertainment or the sports from all walks of life starcelebrity want respective enterprise circle But also choosesreturns to the long separated already long campus, continues to pursueadvanced studies, to go abroad to study and so on the so fortharticle, actually, does not lack the enterprise the jorum which is inthe prosperous time Why doesn't need them which studies again to beable as if resolutely to lay down at present all, the re-entryclassroom, ascends the textbook again? This is because they supposedown limited knowledge could not have met the work needs, cannot followsocial the step, only has continuously enriches oneself can create atthe enterprise a mountain peak, but they had more importantly fullyrealized study like does not enter draws back Thiscompared to obtains any success all to have the value, is morecommendable
回答者:匿名 10-12 19:53

我听说上天不保佑亲近的人,只恩赐有德行的人。纵观历代帝王,没有追求奢侈豪华而能长久享有天下的。你作为*人,如果不上顺天意,下合民心,怎么担当祖宗重托,作为百姓的君王?我从前的衣服,每种各保存一件,你要常常观看,用来自我告诫。有打算分别赏赐你的兄弟们,又担心你现在作为皇太子的心,忘记了从前的事情。所以让高 赐给你我从前所佩戴的刀子一把,以及一盒菹酱(一种食物)。你当年担任上士,经常吃的就是它。如果你还记得从前的事情,就应该明白了我的心。
游褒禅山记 原文

游褒禅山记 译文









王安石(1021~1086) 北宋大臣。原籍抚州临川(今江西抚州),生于临江军(治今江西清江)。字介甫,号半山。父王益,进士出身,长期在今江西、广东诸州县任职,卒于江宁府(治今江苏南京)通判任上,全家举迁后久居不去,江宁成为第二故乡。幼随其父遍历各地,见多识广,深谙民情。庆历二年(1042)举进士,出任潍南东路(治今江苏扬州)判官。庆历七年(1047),调任鄞县(今浙江宁波东南)知县,遍访东西14乡,部署水利兴修,创导贷谷与民(为“青苗法”之发端),政绩有声,且对理财必须“资之天地”(即靠发展生产)有独特的见解。皇佑三年(1051)再调任舒州(今安徽怀宁)通判。时在京名人范仲淹、富弼等闻其文辞政事有声,交表推荐,均以“家贫口众”不愿就翰林馆职,其间仅一年任太常寺群牧判官,坚请离京出任东南地方官吏,“得尽其才”。嘉佑二年(1057)即改任常州知州。次年移任提点江南东路(治饶州,今江西波阳)刑狱,不久入为三司度支判官。向仁宗上《言事书》,力言当从培养、使用人才的各个环节着手改革吏治,兼及理财、军事等各方面的改革,实为后来变法的早期纲领或理论雏形。仁宗赞其文才,拔为知制诰,然对改革不加采纳。再上《时政疏》(又名《本朝百年无事札》;一说呈于熙宁元年,神宗时,强烈呼吁及时改革,“有为之日,莫急于今日;过今日臣恐有无所及之忧”。嘉佑八年(1063)仁宗死,不久母丧回江宁守制,离职去。英宗在位四年,居家不出。









隶: 谒: 谒: 扳: 称:




Studies like 逆水行舟, does not enter draws back, everybody isfamiliar-sounding can detailed As the name suggests, line to watersurface ships, where no matter navigates, when navigates, the generalmeeting meets the reversion the current of water, this time, certainlymust do utmost to the front pole, cannot slacken off, once does notmake an effort perhaps makes an effort excessively slightly, the shipnot only cannot go forward, instead can back up, finally inevitablecan is flushed the zero point The good boat so, we study also are so,in the study difficult there is no place in, does not have time doesnot have If we do not welcome difficultly on, can get rid by theoutside The victor, for wins step by step, defeated, then then doesnot draw back
Some story said that, peasant family juniors intelligent are sincechildhood excellent, five years old then can write meet the poem Thepeople for are greatly surprised, he has become the recognition childprodigy Every day invites the person which he sojourns to becontinuous, in order to demands its poetic composition, and presentsas a gift it to the red package to take the reward The corrupt smalladvantage, the non- foresight father then satisfies this, but end itsstudy From now on, the father will get the child prodigy to visit themanner to write poetry receives in exchange for the wealth Graally,the child prodigy has leaned its all, exhausts one's creative vein,latter degenerates into the mediocre average person
Will be obtains this story from the middle school language textbookWang Anshi's center, the Children is the story leading character,Fang Zhongyong Regarding this article, our somewhat someunderstandings Zhong's forever will encounter us also not to be ablelong ago to feel because of the age strangely Because of in modernpeople's study, the life, in the work, in you, on my body isperforming same, even if we very early on obtain a lesson from childprodigy there, studies like 逆水行舟, does not enter draws back
That was any lets us still ignore facing the known this kind ofcondition, ignores Actually the majority of reasons source to studiesto us, the life, the work arrogants and complacent, lazily idlesmanner 孰 did not know that, only has the unremitting endeavor whichperseveres to be able to cause boat of the against the current only toenter does not draw back But similarly stemmed from Song Dynastyliterary giant Wang Anshi's You Baoshan shan Jijiu fully to confirmthis point:
With friend You Cishan he, starts to have mind filled with theconfidence, because on the way the mountain road was actually rugged,climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly but slowly wears downhim to persist the will, made him give up halfway, the end has notbeen able to experience to the dangerous distant place grand marveloussight He leaves behind this travel notes, warns the posterity withown experience, any matter light depends on the full of enthusiasm andthe idle talk determination is cannot accomplish, true need line ofWan Lilu, rushes ten thousand passes practical actions, the study isneeds a step of footprint to be steadfast study, today the mattertomorrow will finish, today study tired tomorrow has wanted to giveup, this kind three days will hit the fishing two days to expose tothe sun the net road of the study, the result is lets you haveachieved nothing, unsuccessfully even will force you to return to donot have a thing in the world
Certainly, puts aside above these is negative, the reverse side, aboutthe instance which draws back, but also has more people and thematter, presses forward in the face of difficulties, the positiveadvance fact lets us be moved, is worth us studying the model
First speaks of great inventor Edison Speaking of him, nearly isnobody did not know 无人不晓 From the electric lamp bulb to thephonograph, these his wisdom crystallization, has had the profoundinfluence to the human society He progresses to the humanity makesthe so significant contribution to depend on merely is theseinventions? Indeed is not, the innumerable defeats innumerablerepetitions experiment also has again fights on despite repeatedsetbacks never the word abandoned firm faith These all are theessential item which he succeeds
Now returns the age which oneself lives, carefully has a look Thesimilar example quite are also many, the list from usually us fromsome magazine news understood to the matter said, we often can read:Someone the entertainment or the sports from all walks of life starcelebrity want 暂别 respective enterprise circle But also choosesreturns to the long separated already long campus, continues to pursueadvanced studies, to go abroad to study and so on the so fortharticle, actually, does not lack the enterprise the jorum which is inthe prosperous time Why doesn't need them which studies again to beable as if resolutely to lay down at present all, the re-entryclassroom, ascends the textbook again? This is because they supposedown limited knowledge could not have met the work needs, cannot followsocial the step, only has continuously enriches oneself can create atthe enterprise a mountain peak, but they had more importantly fullyrealized study like 逆水行舟 does not enter draws back Thiscompared to obtains any success all to have the value, is morecommendable


Studies like 逆水行舟, does not enter draws back, everybody isfamiliar-sounding can detailed As the name suggests, line to watersurface ships, where no matter navigates, when navigates, the generalmeeting meets the reversion the current of water, this time, certainlymust do utmost to the front pole, cannot slacken off, once does notmake an effort perhaps makes an effort excessively slightly, the shipnot only cannot go forward, instead can back up, finally inevitablecan is flushed the zero point The good boat so, we study also are so,in the study difficult there is no place in, does not have time doesnot have If we do not welcome difficultly on, can get rid by theoutside The victor, for wins step by step, defeated, then then doesnot draw back
Some story said that, peasant family juniors intelligent are sincechildhood excellent, five years old then can write meet the poem Thepeople for are greatly surprised, he has become the recognition childprodigy Every day invites the person which he sojourns to becontinuous, in order to demands its poetic composition, and presentsas a gift it to the red package to take the reward The corrupt smalladvantage, the non- foresight father then satisfies this, but end itsstudy From now on, the father will get the child prodigy to visit themanner to write poetry receives in exchange for the wealth Graally,the child prodigy has leaned its all, exhausts one's creative vein,latter degenerates into the mediocre average person
Will be obtains this story from the middle school language textbookWang Anshi's center, the Children is the story leading character,Fang Zhongyong Regarding this article, our somewhat someunderstandings Zhong's forever will encounter us also not to be ablelong ago to feel because of the age strangely Because of in modernpeople's study, the life, in the work, in you, on my body isperforming same, even if we very early on obtain a lesson from childprodigy there, studies like 逆水行舟, does not enter draws back
That was any lets us still ignore facing the known this kind ofcondition, ignores Actually the majority of reasons source to studiesto us, the life, the work arrogants and complacent, lazily idlesmanner 孰 did not know that, only has the unremitting endeavor whichperseveres to be able to cause boat of the against the current only toenter does not draw back But similarly stemmed from Song Dynastyliterary giant Wang Anshi's You Baoshan shan Jijiu fully to confirmthis point:
With friend You Cishan he, starts to have mind filled with theconfidence, because on the way the mountain road was actually rugged,climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly but slowly wears downhim to persist the will, made him give up halfway, the end has notbeen able to experience to the dangerous distant place grand marveloussight He leaves behind this travel notes, warns the posterity withown experience, any matter light depends on the full of enthusiasm andthe idle talk determination is cannot accomplish, true need line ofWan Lilu, rushes ten thousand passes practical actions, the study isneeds a step of footprint to be steadfast study, today the mattertomorrow will finish, today study tired tomorrow has wanted to giveup, this kind three days will hit the fishing two days to expose tothe sun the net road of the study, the result is lets you haveachieved nothing, unsuccessfully even will force you to return to donot have a thing in the world
Certainly, puts aside above these is negative, the reverse side, aboutthe instance which draws back, but also has more people and thematter, presses forward in the face of difficulties, the positiveadvance fact lets us be moved, is worth us studying the model
First speaks of great inventor Edison Speaking of him, nearly isnobody did not know 无人不晓 From the electric lamp bulb to thephonograph, these his wisdom crystallization, has had the profoundinfluence to the human society He progresses to the humanity makesthe so significant contribution to depend on merely is theseinventions? Indeed is not, the innumerable defeats innumerablerepetitions experiment also has again fights on despite repeatedsetbacks never the word abandoned firm faith These all are theessential item which he succeeds
Now returns the age which oneself lives, carefully has a look Thesimilar example quite are also many, the list from usually us fromsome magazine news understood to the matter said, we often can read:Someone the entertainment or the sports from all walks of life starcelebrity want 暂别 respective enterprise circle But also choosesreturns to the long separated already long campus, continues to pursueadvanced studies, to go abroad to study and so on the so fortharticle, actually, does not lack the enterprise the jorum which is inthe prosperous time Why doesn't need them which studies again to beable as if resolutely to lay down at present all, the re-entryclassroom, ascends the textbook again? This is because they supposedown limited knowledge could not have met the work needs, cannot followsocial the step, only has continuously enriches oneself can create atthe enterprise a mountain peak, but they had more importantly fullyrealized study like 逆水行舟 does not enter draws back Thiscompared to obtains any success all to have the value, is morecommendable
(有些译不出,献丑了!呼……)Studies like , does not enter draws back, everybody isfamiliar-sounding can detailed As the name suggests, line to watersurface ships, where no matter navigates, when navigates, the generalmeeting meets the reversion the current of water, this time, certainlymust do utmost to the front pole, cannot slacken off, once does notmake an effort perhaps makes an effort excessively slightly, the shipnot only cannot go forward, instead can back up, finally inevitablecan is flushed the zero point The good boat so, we study also are so,in the study difficult there is no place in, does not have time doesnot have If we do not welcome difficultly on, can get rid by theoutside The victor, for wins step by step, defeated, then then doesnot draw back
Some story said that, peasant family juniors intelligent are sincechildhood excellent, five years old then can write meet the poem Thepeople for are greatly surprised, he has become the recognition childprodigy Every day invites the person which he sojourns to becontinuous, in order to demands its poetic composition, and presentsas a gift it to the red package to take the reward The corrupt smalladvantage, the non- foresight father then satisfies this, but end itsstudy From now on, the father will get the child prodigy to visit themanner to write poetry receives in exchange for the wealth Graally,the child prodigy has leaned its all, exhausts one's creative vein,latter degenerates into the mediocre average person
Will be obtains this story from the middle school language textbookWang Anshi's center, the Children is the story leading character,Fang Zhongyong Regarding this article, our somewhat someunderstandings Zhong's forever will encounter us also not to be ablelong ago to feel because of the age strangely Because of in modernpeople's study, the life, in the work, in you, on my body isperforming same, even if we very early on obtain a lesson from childprodigy there, studies like, does not enter draws back
That was any lets us still ignore facing the known this kind ofcondition, ignores Actually the majority of reasons source to studiesto us, the life, the work arrogants and complacent, lazily idlesmanner did not know that, only has the unremitting endeavor whichperseveres to be able to cause boat of the against the current only toenter does not draw back But similarly stemmed from Song Dynastyliterary giant Wang Anshi's You Baoshan shan Jijiu fully to confirmthis point:
With friend You Cishan he, starts to have mind filled with theconfidence, because on the way the mountain road was actually rugged,climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly but slowly wears downhim to persist the will, made him give up halfway, the end has notbeen able to experience to the dangerous distant place grand marveloussight He leaves behind this travel notes, warns the posterity withown experience, any matter light depends on the full of enthusiasm andthe idle talk determination is cannot accomplish, true need line ofWan Lilu, rushes ten thousand passes practical actions, the study isneeds a step of footprint to be steadfast study, today the mattertomorrow will finish, today study tired tomorrow has wanted to giveup, this kind three days will hit the fishing two days to expose tothe sun the net road of the study, the result is lets you haveachieved nothing, unsuccessfully even will force you to return to donot have a thing in the world
Certainly, puts aside above these is negative, the reverse side, aboutthe instance which draws back, but also has more people and thematter, presses forward in the face of difficulties, the positiveadvance fact lets us be moved, is worth us studying the model
First speaks of great inventor Edison Speaking of him, nearly isnobody did not know From the electric lamp bulb to thephonograph, these his wisdom crystallization, has had the profoundinfluence to the human society He progresses to the humanity makesthe so significant contribution to depend on merely is theseinventions? Indeed is not, the innumerable defeats innumerablerepetitions experiment also has again fights on despite repeatedsetbacks never the word abandoned firm faith These all are theessential item which he succeeds
Now returns the age which oneself lives, carefully has a look Thesimilar example quite are also many, the list from usually us fromsome magazine news understood to the matter said, we often can read:Someone the entertainment or the sports from all walks of life starcelebrity want respective enterprise circle But also choosesreturns to the long separated already long campus, continues to pursueadvanced studies, to go abroad to study and so on the so fortharticle, actually, does not lack the enterprise the jorum which is inthe prosperous time Why doesn't need them which studies again to beable as if resolutely to lay down at present all, the re-entryclassroom, ascends the textbook again? This is because they supposedown limited knowledge could not have met the work needs, cannot followsocial the step, only has continuously enriches oneself can create atthe enterprise a mountain peak, but they had more importantly fullyrealized study like does not enter draws back Thiscompared to obtains any success all to have the value, is morecommendable


是从中学语文课本王安石的<<伤仲永>>中得到这个故事,神童便是故事的主人公,方仲永.对此文,我们多多少少有些了解.仲永的遭遇我们亦不会因为年代的久远而感觉陌生.因为在现代人的学习,生活,工作中, 在你,我身上正上演着相同的一幕,即便我们老早就从神童那里得到一个教训,学如逆水行舟,不进则退.



我听说上天不保佑亲近的人,只恩赐有德行的人。纵观历代帝王,没有追求奢侈豪华而能长久享有天下的。你作为*人,如果不上顺天意,下合民心,怎么担当祖宗重托,作为百姓的君王?我从前的衣服,每种各保存一件,你要常常观看,用来自我告诫。有打算分别赏赐你的兄弟们,又担心你现在作为皇太子的心,忘记了从前的事情。所以让高 赐给你我从前所佩戴的刀子一把,以及一盒菹酱(一种食物)。你当年担任上士,经常吃的就是它。如果你还记得从前的事情,就应该明白了我的心。
游褒禅山记 原文

游褒禅山记 译文




Studies like , does not enter draws back, everybody isfamiliar-sounding can detailed As the name suggests, line to watersurface ships, where no matter navigates, when navigates, the generalmeeting meets the reversion the current of water, this time, certainlymust do utmost to the front pole, cannot slacken off, once does notmake an effort perhaps makes an effort excessively slightly, the shipnot only cannot go forward, instead can back up, finally inevitablecan is flushed the zero point The good boat so, we study also are so,in the study difficult there is no place in, does not have time doesnot have If we do not welcome difficultly on, can get rid by theoutside The victor, for wins step by step, defeated, then then doesnot draw back
Some story said that, peasant family juniors intelligent are sincechildhood excellent, five years old then can write meet the poem Thepeople for are greatly surprised, he has become the recognition childprodigy Every day invites the person which he sojourns to becontinuous, in order to demands its poetic composition, and presentsas a gift it to the red package to take the reward The corrupt smalladvantage, the non- foresight father then satisfies this, but end itsstudy From now on, the father will get the child prodigy to visit themanner to write poetry receives in exchange for the wealth Graally,the child prodigy has leaned its all, exhausts one's creative vein,latter degenerates into the mediocre average person
Will be obtains this story from the middle school language textbookWang Anshi's center, the Children is the story leading character,Fang Zhongyong Regarding this article, our somewhat someunderstandings Zhong's forever will encounter us also not to be ablelong ago to feel because of the age strangely Because of in modernpeople's study, the life, in the work, in you, on my body isperforming same, even if we very early on obtain a lesson from childprodigy there, studies like, does not enter draws back
That was any lets us still ignore facing the known this kind ofcondition, ignores Actually the majority of reasons source to studiesto us, the life, the work arrogants and complacent, lazily idlesmanner did not know that, only has the unremitting endeavor whichperseveres to be able to cause boat of the against the current only toenter does not draw back But similarly stemmed from Song Dynastyliterary giant Wang Anshi's You Baoshan shan Jijiu fully to confirmthis point:
With friend You Cishan he, starts to have mind filled with theconfidence, because on the way the mountain road was actually rugged,climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly but slowly wears downhim to persist the will, made him give up halfway, the end has notbeen able to experience to the dangerous distant place grand marveloussight He leaves behind this travel notes, warns the posterity withown experience, any matter light depends on the full of enthusiasm andthe idle talk determination is cannot accomplish, true need line ofWan Lilu, rushes ten thousand passes practical actions, the study isneeds a step of footprint to be steadfast study, today the mattertomorrow will finish, today study tired tomorrow has wanted to giveup, this kind three days will hit the fishing two days to expose tothe sun the net road of the study, the result is lets you haveachieved nothing, unsuccessfully even will force you to return to donot have a thing in the world
Certainly, puts aside above these is negative, the reverse side, aboutthe instance which draws back, but also has more people and thematter, presses forward in the face of difficulties, the positiveadvance fact lets us be moved, is worth us studying the model
First speaks of great inventor Edison Speaking of him, nearly isnobody did not know From the electric lamp bulb to thephonograph, these his wisdom crystallization, has had the profoundinfluence to the human society He progresses to the humanity makesthe so significant contribution to depend on merely is theseinventions? Indeed is not, the innumerable defeats innumerablerepetitions experiment also has again fights on despite repeatedsetbacks never the word abandoned firm faith These all are theessential item which he succeeds
Now returns the age which oneself lives, carefully has a look Thesimilar example quite are also many, the list from usually us fromsome magazine news understood to the matter said, we often can read:Someone the entertainment or the sports from all walks of life starcelebrity want respective enterprise circle But also choosesreturns to the long separated already long campus, continues to pursueadvanced studies, to go abroad to study and so on the so fortharticle, actually, does not lack the enterprise the jorum which is inthe prosperous time Why doesn't need them which studies again to beable as if resolutely to lay down at present all, the re-entryclassroom, ascends the textbook again? This is because they supposedown limited knowledge could not have met the work needs, cannot followsocial the step, only has continuously enriches oneself can create atthe enterprise a mountain peak, but they had more importantly fullyrealized study like does not enter draws back Thiscompared to obtains any success all to have the value, is morecommendable
