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Nobel Prize refers to the five awards established according to Nobel's will in 15, including physics prize, chemistry prize, peace prize, physiology or medicine prize and literature prize.

To commend those who have "made the greatest contribution to mankind" in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine and literature; And the Nobel Prize in economics established by the Swedish central bank in 1968 to recognize people who have made outstanding contributions in the field of economics.

The Nobel Prize was first awarded in 1901, including the Nobel Prize in physics, the Nobel Prize in chemistry, the Nobel Peace Prize, the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine and the Nobel Prize in literature.

In 1968, the Swedish central bank added the "Swedish central bank commemorating the Nobel Prize for economic science", which was first awarded in 1969. It is customary to call this additional award the Nobel Prize for economics.


The Nobel Prize (Swedish pronunciation: [noˈbɛl], Swedish definite form, singular: Nobelpriset; Norwegian: Nobelprisen) is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Swedish and Norwegian committees in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances. The will of the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel established the prizes in 15. The prizes in Physics, Chemistry,Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace were first awarded in 1901. The related Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Scienceswas created in 1968. Between 1901 and 2012, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 555 times to 856 people and organizations. With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes a total of 835 indivials and 21 organizations.
The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while the other prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most prestigious award available in the fields of literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, peace, and economics.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences; the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; theSwedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature; and the Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded by a Swedish organisation but by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
The various prizes are awarded yearly. Each recipient, or laureate, receives a gold medal, a diploma and a sum of money, which is decided by the Nobel Foundation. As of 2012, each prize was worth 8 million SEK (c. US$1.2 million, S0.93 million). The prize is not awarded posthumously; however, if a person is awarded a prize and dies before receiving it, the prize may still be presented. Though the average number of laureates per prize increased substantially ring the 20th century, a prize may not be shared among more than three people.

诺贝尔文学奖(瑞典的发音: [ nobɛl瑞典正定的形式,奇异: Nobelpriset挪威: Nobelprisen )是一组安置在多个类别的一年一度的国际奖项由瑞典和挪威的委员会,以表彰文化和/或科学进步。瑞典发明家阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔的意愿于15年设立的奖品。在物理,化学,生理学或医学,文学与和平奖首次颁发于1901年。 的相关纪念诺贝尔经济科学奖创建于1968年。在1901年和2012年,被授予诺贝尔奖和经济科学奖的555倍至856个人和组织。随着一些获得诺贝尔奖不止一次,这使得一共有835名个人和21个组织。
各种奖项,每年颁发一次。每个收件人或获得者,获得了一枚金牌,一份证书和一笔钱,这是由诺贝尔基金会决定。截至2012年,各奖价值800亿瑞典克朗(约120万美元, S 0.93亿美元) 。奖追授然而,如果一个人颁了奖,去世前收到,奖品可能仍然被提出。 虽然每奖获得者的平均数量大幅增加,在20世纪,奖品可不超过3人之间共享。

