8小时润泽霜是一个系列,英文是eight hours cream,其中包括面霜(for face)、护手霜(hand cream)、体乳(body cream)、唇膏(lip protectant)和skin protectant(不知道中文叫什么)。你说的身体润泽霜是body cream。
其实传说中的很神奇的雅顿八小时是上面我说的最后一个skin protectant,就是随时随地使用给皮肤补水的,其他的都是在这款打响以后的后续产品。给你价格你就知道了,官网八小时body cream是6.8oz. $25,而skin protectant是1.7oz. $17,单价相差了将近三倍。
后面附了图片,这个是skin protectant的,本来想把body treatment的一起发上来作对比的,结果只能发一张啊,图片质量还这么差,仔细看了一下倒是还能辨认。身体滋润霜的跟这个是一样的,就是写着skin protectant的地方是body treatment的字样。
这里附上官网的skin protectant的品牌说明,注意,只有这一款的说明,8小时系列的其他产品无此说明。有兴趣可以看看。
The Legend
Created in 1930 by Elizabeth Arden to soothe skin, Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant became an instant and overwhelming success. What made it so effective is a combination of petrolatum, a skin-soothing beta-hydroxy in one of its first cosmetic uses, and vitamin E. The apricot colored balm was so beneficial to her clients, Miss Arden used it to soothe her famous thoroughbred horses' legs. Even its name came about thanks to a remarkable performance - a loyal client used it to treat her child's skinned knee and "eight hours later" the skin was all better.