Yuan longping , who was born in september , 1930 , graated from agriculture department in southwest agricultural institute
袁隆平,男, 1930年9月出生于北京, 1953年毕业于西南农学院农学系。
To secure the supply of high quapty rapeseed and to develop a contract farming and purchasing system , biolux will closely cooperate with chinese partners , farmers , governments and authorities as well as renowned chinese universities and agricultural institutes
为保证菜籽的高质量和进一步发展农村合同与购买体系,碧路公司将紧密地与中方的合作者,当地的农民, *** 机关和中国著名的大学以及农业协会加强沟通和合作。
By means of the estabpshment of conglomerates by chemical fertipzer enterprises , agricultural institutes and agents , not only the sharing of sofare and hardware can be reapzed but also technological plementation can he acppshed , thus promoting the new fertipzers to play a greater role in agricultural proction in china