public equity market
Our focus is on the stock, or equity market.我们专攻股票
Investors can also ''stock pick'' as they do in the equity market.投资者在债券市场也可以像在股市那样挑选债券来投资。
Investors can also''stock pick''as they do in the equity market.投资者在债券市场也可以像在股市那样挑选债券来投资。
Investors can also 'stock pick' as they do in the equity market.投资者在债券市场也可以像在股市那样挑选债券来投资。
The US REIT market fell in sympathy with the overall equity market.美国REIT市场和股市同步下跌。
The availability of equity market and debt market financing are also relevant.股票市场与债务市场的融资也是原因之一。
Few brokerages have the skills or financial wherewithal to underwrite a public equity offering.几乎没有哪家券商有技能或财力来承销股票公开发行。
During his tenure at Promis, he orchestrated several rounds of public equity financings and was awarded a prestigious Investor Relations Magazine Award.在Promis任职期间,他策划了多次公募股权融资,并荣获著名的Investor Relations Magazine Award(《投资者关系》杂志奖)。
Shanghai spearheaded a retreat for Asian equity markets yesterday as cash was diverted by a forthcoming wave of Chinese initial public offerings.上海股市昨日成为亚洲股市下挫的先导,原因是即将到来的一轮中国企业首次公开发行(ipo)分散了市场资金。
Similar progress has been made in the regulation of the equity market by the Securities and Futures Commission.证券及期货事务监察委员会在证券市场监管方面也取得同样的进展。
October was a mixed month for global equity markets.对全球股票市场来说,十月是一个充满变数的月份。
Global equity markets fell by 8% with markets in Asia faring worse.全球股票市场下跌8%25,其中亚洲市场的表现更糟。
He made clear Blackstone was acting to capitalise on improved conditions. “We are seeing the beginning of realisations through strategic sales and public equity offers,” he said.施瓦茨曼明确表示,百仕通是在利用形势的好转套现。他称:“通过战略出售和公开股份上市变现的趋势即将开始。”
Mr Cohen said dealmaking was also being hampered by the relatively poor equity market performance of financial services groups.科恩先生说,今年金融服务集团在股票市场上的表现相对较差,这也是阻碍交易达成的原因之一。
Normally a financial market co ists of foreign exchange market, money market, bond market and equity market.通常,金融市场包括外汇市场、货币市场、债券市场和股票市场。
The third is to develop futures exchange, integrated development of the equity market norms.三是大力发展期货交易,整合规范发展各类产权市场。
Furthermore, with the equity markets still in turmoil, Freescale may not be able in the near future to whittle down its debts by selling shares to the public.更糟糕的是,资本市场仍然一片混乱,飞思卡尔在近期通过出售股票来削减债务压力的可能性也不大。
S&P500 index is the bench mark which better reflexes US economy as well as equity market.标准普尔500指数是反映美国经济及美国资本市场情况的最好的指标。
BMV is now a public company following its IPO in June 2008, and its shares are traded on the BMV equities market[2].墨西哥证券交易在2008年6月成为一家上市公司,它的股票可以在BMV中进行交易。