标准答案: Lesson 39 A: So they wanted to know how old you were. And they wanted to know where you were born. They wanted to know if / whether you were married or single. They asked if / whether you had ever been insured before. They wanted to know if / whether you smoked. They wanted to know if / whether you were in good health. B 1 how long 2 how much 3 what 4 if / whether C 1 'I am cold,' she said,' she said, 'and very wet.' 2 'Excuse me,' the man said, 'I was speaking.' 3 'Well, ' the girl asked,'who do you want?' D 2 He wondered if he would be well enough to leave soon. 3 She wanted to know if she could have a drink. 4 He asked if he had to stay in bed the whole day. 5 He wanted to know when he was seeing the doctor again. 6 She wondered how she had managed to survive the accident. 7 He asked what time they turned the lights out. 8 She wanted to know if she would be alowed to have visitors soon. 9 I wondered how much longer I would be in there. 10 She asked if she might have a bedside telephone. E 1 They asked me if I would use a computer. 2 They asked me when I would start. 3 They wanted to know why I had left my last job. 4 They wanted to know how much experience I had in the work. 5 They asked me where I had been to college. 6 They wanted to know what I really wanted to do.