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那就不一定要Epi啦!其实你买到的Epi好多也是贴牌的。。。质量连青岛的都不如!你认为那么一大块桃花心木外加各种配件只有1500可能么?好多Epi都是在黑厂做好了,贴上Epi的牌子,这类琴用的就是烂木头,烂磁铁,还有粗糙的手工,垃圾的音准以及音色。。。建议如果真的认准LP,还是Standard比较好!价格2200左右!其实加州系列也不错,你说呢?买了垃圾LP很快就会腻味的,真的不骗你!买加州系列吧!或者等凑足了钱买把真正的Epi LP,本人推荐Traditional哦!再阔绰点,Gibson的,Fender的。。。不过当然要等你先练得较好的技术再说啦!追问我感觉epiphone lp standard 和Traditional 的样子差别不大 。。。而且Traditional的价格。。。让人太。。
epiphone lp standard 的样子和Gibson已经很像了啊 我就挺满意了
不过2200啊 大学生的零花钱 。。 你懂的
对了 对我来说0912和150哪个好 我喜欢*。光良。等等风格的

追答啊。。。是么,我才高中。。。如果你真的喜欢LP。。。那么其实Epi的Standard现在生产的都不是整块木头的琴颈啊。。。肯定没那么好的感觉了。。。我发现Traditional还有Custom还是整块木头的!拿起来厚实啊!!!运气好的话,你买到的质量相当于Epi的Tribute系列。。。不过缺少资金的话就不要买Epi了。。。还是买0912吧!因为我在琴行看到的150音准都不大好呢。。。所以千万不要买Ibanez。。。不过Ibanez的中端型号也还行,价格4000左右。。。不过很穷的话,又没有砸锅卖铁的决心就不要学吉他啦!因为最近我想弄个Gibson Flying V。。。条件是成绩啊!尼玛啊!!!!!!我要砸锅卖铁补课去啦!!!天啊!!!


1500内的epiphone,还要lp型的,说实话有点难,仿琴就不说了,不建议买。epi lp 100我一般见的是1800左右,不排除网购或者砍价可以到1500,epi lp specail一般在800左右。
ps:我的琴epiphone lp standard。


Leader's idea of ??reverse decisions (a)

When it comes to decision-making, most people think of first is the kind of neat, tidy and orderly image of the desk - that is, do not make a decision today until tomorrow. This traditional concept for managers or administrative personnel,abercrombie paris, may be good advice, but for leaders it is terrible advice. Instead, the leaders of the reverse of this decision can be summarized as the following two ideas of: ★ For those who can reasonably be appointed to the lower levels of decision-making, not to himself personally. ★ For those who can reasonably be until tomorrow's decisions, never do today. Course,ralph lauren pas cher, and there are a slippery word Let's take a look at the first rule. Generally speaking, most of the leaders are facing the decision-making needs to be done can be reasonably appointment to lower levels, on condition that the leader has a good junior assistant, and he was able to choose the best suitable candidate for dealing with such problems. But the leader can be appointed decision-making power to lower levels, does not mean he can take to avoid liability arising from these decisions, especially when problems arise. Hinder most people this is becoming one of the crux of effective leadership: they mistakenly believe that if they have the power to make decisions on an event, and if the ultimate responsibility for this decision, then they must personally do. For ordinary people, in any case, to allow a subordinate to make the wrong choice, and he has to bear the ultimate responsibility for this choice, it is simply unthinkable. But in fact, this is the essence of first-class leadership skills. In decentralized decision-making, while retaining ultimate responsibility for these decisions,abercrombie pas cher, the military leaders in particular, which specializes in the art. I remember listening to a story - perhaps apocryphal it is on the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Story takes place in 1961, That ill-fated attack on the incident. Talking about war, McNamara is certainly a downright amateur. When he and his chief of staff to watch American warships close to Cuba will be put on the formation time, McNamara found that one of the ships out of the queue. He immediately called for the Navy chief of staff of the command that ships the captain returned to his assigned position,franklin marshall pas cher, the Navy chief of staff replied to him: still responsible, I can not tell him how to command his own ship. So, why should a leader be delegated to lower levels of decision-making authority? Why the decision not to have any potential to do for themselves, regardless of their size? After all,


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