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Chinese "definition

物联网(Internet of Things)指的是将无处不在(Ubiquitous)的末端设备(Devices)和设施(Facilities),包括具备“内在智能”的传感器、移动终端、工业系统、楼控系统、家庭智能设施、视频监控系统等、和“外在使能”(Enabled)的,如贴上RFID的各种资产(Assets)、携带无线终端的个人与车辆等等“智能化物件或动物”或“智能尘埃”(Mote),通过各种无线和/或有线的长距离和/或短距离通讯网络实现互联互通(M2M)、应用大集成(Grand Integration)、以及基于云计算的SaaS营运等模式,在内网(Intranet)、专网(Extranet)、和/或互联网(Internet)环境下,采用适当的信息安全保障机制,提供安全可控乃至个性化的实时在线监测、定位追溯、报警联动、调度指挥、预案管理、远程控制、安全防范、远程维保、在线升级、统计报表、决策支持、领导桌面(集中展示的Cockpit Dashboard)等管理和服务功能,实现对“万物”的“高效、节能、安全、环保”的“管、控、营”一体化[1]。
Content of Internet networking (that) refers to the will is everywhere (Ubiquitous) end equipment (redetect) and Facilities Facilities), including (with "internal intelligence" sensors, mobile terminal, instrial systems, floor control system, family video monitoring system of intelligent Facilities, etc, and "outer Enabled" (Enabled), such as all kinds of Assets (with RFID Assets), to bring wireless terminal personal and vehicles, etc "intelligent objects or animal" or "smart st" (Mote), through all kinds of wireless and/or cable's long distances and/or short distance communication network realization the inter-communication (M2M), application great Integration (with), and Grand based on cloud computing operations, as a model in SaaS, Intranet), special network connection (Extranet), (and/or Internet (Internet) environment, the adoption of appropriate information security mechanism and provide safe and controllable and personalized real-time on-line monitoring, positioning retrospection, alarm linkage, scheling command, plan management, remote control and security guard, remote maintenance, online upgrade, statistics, decision support, leading desktop (showcase Cockpit Dashboard) of management and service functions of "everything", to realize the "efficient, energy saving, safety and environmental protection" "tube, control, camp" Integration [1].

The international telecommunication union in 2005 that the report had describe the "age of networked picture: when the driver appears when misoperation automatic alarm; car would

Briefcase will remind owner forgot something;

Clothes will "tell" of color and temperature washing machine of requirements, etc.

Objects in the logistics field networked application is for instance: a logistics company application content networking system of truck, while loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you how much, and overload overloaded, but space and the rest, tell you how heavy goods collocation;

When handling personnel unloading, a the packaging of goods may shout "you throw hurts me", or "dear, please don't too brutal, can?";
When the driver in and others in gossip, van pretend boss voice roars "idiot, this start!"
