a group supposed to be raise with good habits and behaviours, are acting the opposite way nowadays. In campus, things like scrawling on the desk, ditching classes, stealing bicycles, impolite occupy seats happen frequently. What happened to comtemporary university students? Where are their etiquette and modesty?
Civilities are not things we literally agree with, but good manners we should carry out in our daily life.It seems that, the majority of students lack of the power of action,we know what deeds are right, we understand what manner is polite and right, but,when it comes to reality, we ignore thecivilization regulations, maybe sometimes, just because its more convenient. It is a real tragedy if we learn knowledge but not apply to reality. So I advocate every students should make a difference, begin with little things in life,sooner or later, we can have positive effct on others. Actions always speaks louder than words.
a group supposed to be raise with good habits and behaviours, are acting the opposite way nowadays. In campus, things like scrawling on the desk, ditching classes, stealing bicycles, impolite occupy seats happen frequently. What happened to comtemporary university students? Where are their etiquette and modesty?
Civilities are not things we literally agree with, but good manners we should carry out in our daily life.It seems that, the majority of students lack of the power of action,we know what deeds are right, we understand what manner is polite and right, but,when it comes to reality, we ignore thecivilization regulations, maybe sometimes, just because its more convenient. It is a real tragedy if we learn knowledge but not apply to reality. So I advocate every students should make a difference, begin with little things in life,sooner or later, we can have positive effct on others. Actions always speaks louder than words.would you mind