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在《股东协议》中,经常会遇到需要翻译或用英语表述“优先购买权”,通过搜索查阅,通常会发现Preemptive Right和Right of First Refusal两种表达。那么,到底该用哪一种合适呢?它俩可以互换吗?以下对此进行了探讨和分析:

Preemptive Right

Preemptive rights are a contractual clause giving a shareholder the right to buy additional shares in any future issue of the company's common stock before the shares are available to the general public. Shareholders who have such a clause are generally early investors or majority owners who want to maintain the size of their stake in the company when and if additional shares are offered. In The Oxford American Legal Dictionary, preemptive rights are defined as "the right of a shareholder to purchase additional shares of stock on the same terms as those offered to the public, before the shares are sold to the public." In Black’s Law Dictionary (eighth edition), it is explained as "a shareholder's privilege to purchase newly issued stock - before the shares are offered to the public - in an amount proportionate to the shareholder's current holdings in order to prevent dilution of the shareholder's ownership interest."


In addition, the other Party shall have a preemptive right on the same terms and conditions to to extent permitted by law.



Notwithstanding the foregoing, a party hereby waives its preemptive right in the case of any assignment of all or party of the other party's registered capital to an affiliate of the other party.


Right of First Refusal

Right of first refusal (ROFR), also known as first right of refusal, is a contractual right that allows a potential buyer to enter into a business transaction with a person or company before anyone else can. If the party with this right declines to enter into a transaction, the obligor is free to entertain other offers. This clause is particularly popular among lessees of real estate because it gives them preference to the properties in which they occupy. According to The Oxford American Legal Dictionary, a right of first refusal is defined as "a right of a potential buyer to meet the terms of a third party's higher offer. For example, if Beth has a right of first refusal on the purchase of Sam's house, and if Terry offers to buy the house for $300,000, then Beth can match this offer and prevent Terry from buying it."


Party B shall have the right of first refusal under equal conditions.



Commissioning party has the right of first refusal under the same conditions.


通过定义比较,我们可以发现,Preemptive Right是一种法律赋予股东的权利或特权(privilege),这就意味着,对于该等权利或特权股东可自由选择放弃,但他人(包括公司)却不能肆意侵犯。该等特权约束的是公司行为,如公司违反该等特权,受害股东可以公司名义向公司的董事或其他股东提起诉讼。

Right of First Refusal则是一种由买方享有的合同权利(contractual right),由交易双方约定。该等权利约束的是卖方行为,如卖方违约,受害买方可向卖方追究违约责任。

综上,Preemptive Right为“优先认购权”,Right of First Refusal为“优先购买权”,翻译时应加以区分。
